St. Lawrence County native, Oswego County Legislator Amy Tresidder kicked off her campaign for the 48th Senate District seat Thursday.
Tresidder said that over the past year and a half Republican Senator Patty Ritchie has turned her back on her constituents. With several key votes and missed opportunities.
“Obviously, I don’t think she’s done that great a job, or I wouldn’t be running against her,” Mrs. Tresidder, said.
There are those that agree with Tresidder’s assessment especially after a recent story in the Watertown Times by Brian Amaral, reporting that Ritchie came out in support of legislation that attempts to block a proposed $2.2 billion transmission line to bring clean hydroelectric power from Quebec to New York City.
This move was justified by using the fear tactic that the power line will result in job losses for New Yorkers.
However, Ritchie was quoted as saying the line would hinder wind- power development. Ritchie’s support of this legislation is not in the best interest of New York State but does support the interests of wind lobbyists.
Reportedly Senator Ritchie’s people spoke to Rick Wiley of Jefferson Leaning Left regarding her support of this legislation and promised supporters further clarification.
Meanwhile as speculation flies, we anxiously await for Ritchie to shed light on this move.
Stories from the Watertown Times
by reporter Brian Amaral
& The Oswego County Democrat
Amy Tresidder, Oswego County legislator, launches bid against Sen. Ritchie
Senators try to prevent Quebec transmission line~~
Developer defends Quebec to New York City line
The Oswego Democrat
1 comment:
Whatever the arguments, politicians will spin, backspin, sidespin, and generally confuse the voter to a tizzy.
Some of the Hydro-Quebec power will be from wind generated sources, and we know that isn't cheaper electricity.
The anti-nuke faction will want this line, wind developers have come out in favor, if you believe the WDT, and other generators willl be against.
Infrastructure projects for the sole purpose of creating jobs makes no sense. This line would have to go all the way to the Bronx to bypass two of the three biggest congestion areas, and bypass Indian Point. But the CHPE power isn't enough to replace IP, or reduce electrricity costs by much. And Enron showed us that electricity can be held off the grid until the prices are bid up.
As far as Ritchie is cooncerned, I'm voting for the Oswego woman.
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