The public comment period for Article 10 is open until 5/29/12. Not only will these regulations govern most wind turbine facilities, but they will dictate where all forms of power plants will be sited in New York State.
Public comments are imperative,if you have not sent a letter to the public service commission ,I urge you to do so .
Link here to the NYS Public Service Commission to make your comment
Alex Jones
July 11, 2011
New York State is a “Home Rule” jurisdiction, dating back to 1923. New York Municipal Home Rule – Article 2 – § 10 General Powers of Local Governments to Adopt and Amend Local Laws, provides the authority for the cherished prerogative of communities to control their destinies. The stark conflict of local self-determination and the arbitrary imposition of bureaucratic fiats outlined in Agenda 21 are self-evident. Under the guise of streamlining energy siting and land use, New York State has jumped to the tune of the globalist marching band orders. In the darkness of midnight in a closed room, the new governor Andrew Cuomo pushed a secret version of Article X, and the legislature voted approval for the Power NY Act.
Pandora, the DEC guidelines for bird and bat studies state, "A minimum of one year of pre-construction studies is recommended for all proposed wind energy projects. Additional years of study may be recommended if warranted by the results of initial on-site studies, or as information is learned through post-construction studies from other projects in the state."
ReplyDeleteIf Art.10 is a fast track for approval of a wind project in a year, then how can the PSC and Art.10 do justice to DEC policy?
Does this mean all that will ever get done is the "minimum"?
Where's the public outcry from the dickie-birders?
Will DEC staff have the chutzpah to tell their bosses more study is needed?
What happens if more studies are needed, will the PSC wait for three years as many professionals suggest is needed to measure impacts on birds and bats?
In the end, will the wacky far-right Republican members of Congress, who refuse to give the wind industry their beloved Production Tax Credits, be better friends of Tweety-bird than the tree-hugging, green-is-keen crowd?
There may indeed be some wacky Republicans in Congress but at least they are clear headed enough to recognize Big Wind as the epic scam that it is.
ReplyDeleteHopefully they will continue to refuse to extend the cornerstone of the scam -- those tax credits.
The wind industry is less about energy solutions than it is about a way to play in the tax equity market.