
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bp ~ Comments to Public Service Commission Re: Article 10

In New York, Cape Vincent Wind Power, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of BP Wind Energy, is developing the Cape Vincent Wind Farm project in Jefferson County. With the acquisition of the neighboring St. Lawrence Wind Farm project in February 2012, theCape Vincent Wind Farm now can reach upwards of approximately 285 MW in size.Given its long-standing and substantial investment in this project, BP Wind Energy is seeking an Article 10 process that will facilitate its development and construction.Toward this end, below we offer comments that we hope the Siting Board will considerin finalizing the implementing regulations for Article 10.
B. Local laws
Any override of local laws should be provided by the Siting Board early in the process.Also, once a project has met the standards for project approval, the local community should bear the burden of proof to demonstrate why the more restrictive requirements areappropriate rather than the applicant demonstrating why they are not appropriate. Finally,to the extent that a recently commissioned wind project in New York meets communitystandards, such projects should be used as a guide by the Siting Board rather than havingthe Siting Board assume that any local law is reasonable unless refuted by an applicant

BP Comments Re: Article 10


  1. Dick Chandler said, "With the acquisition of the neighboring St. Lawrence Wind Farm project in February 2012, the Cape Vincent Wind Farm now can reach upwards of approximately 285 MW in size." This equates to 190, 1.5 MW, 400+ ft high wind turbines. Dickie Chandler is telling the PSC that his company, the Gulf of Mexico polluter, is planning on carpet bombing Cape Vincent with wind turbines. What pigs!!!!

    Dickie is also telling the PSC he needs, "Any override of local laws should be provided by the Siting Board early in the process." He is telling them he can hardly wait to trash the Cape's new zoning law. Please do it quickly!

    And get this request from the Harvey White's new drinking buddy, "the local community should bear the burden of proof to demonstrate why the more restrictive requirements are appropriate rather than the applicant demonstrating why they are not appropriate." He wants the new Cape zoning law trashed and he doesn't want to explain why, just trash them, thank you.

    And don't you just love this Dickie quote, "BP Wind Energy has already been engaged with the local community for years on the Cape Vincent Wind Farm project and such work should not be ignored, discounted, or required to be reproduced." Holy cow plops! He thinks BP and Trieste Associates have done such a good job with community relations in Cape Vincent that he wants a free pass out of this requirement. What a dope!

    Oh Dickie, this too, "Similarly, rather than provide manufacturer’s specifications on proposed
    equipment to be used, it would be more helpful to instead describe parameters of the equipment." Yeah, it's tall like a flagpole and big like a Blue Bowl. That way BP can cram a 500 footer up our pie holes and hope the locals don't notice. Ouch!!

    But the really big flim flam from Dickie is with noise. He really wants the Article 10 boys to dump the Capes zoning law on the noise issue. He really thinks anything more restrictive than what BP wants will be "unduly burdensome." The only problem BP has now that it didn't have when dealing with us locals is contract leverage over those in control. No more beedie-eyed bully Richie Edsall telling people to shut up and bend down to take their medicine.

    Dickie Chandler and BP just might have their way with our town. They just might rape and violate us with 190 turbines. But just no one thing Dickie Chandler, we ain't going to submit. Know this - we are going to scream, scratch, kick, bite and knee you in the balls. We ain't going down easy.

  2. gesterPeople of CV take note who signed the Bp letter.

    A project manager, a peon.

    Wind developers change project managers like you and I change socks.

    If they were real serious the letter would have come from a big gun.

    Chandler does not know this community from squat. He is just entertaining his leaseholders so they will kiss his ass when he blows into town.

  3. Too bad the wind moratorium will keep Chandler from an official introduction to our community.
