
Friday, May 18, 2012

Edsall's ~ Turbine Trials & Tribulations

Below is a transcript of the privilege of the Floor from Thursday nights Town Board meeting
Richard Edsall was the only one that addressed the board.

I'LL BE QUICK AND SHORT, um… despite a phone call from you, I have received no letter or correspondence, on my letter that was submitted
to the town board on 4/ 19/12/.
Third time we been around asking the same question .
So what this indicates to me, because we are beyond the date that I gave, beyond the date that you said, I would receive such correspondence,then I must be correct in my assumption that my permit is indeed valid and I can move ahead with my project, if I should so decide.
That's all I have to say. Have a great evening.

Supervisor Hirschey:
I might comment.

I would listen to your, comment.

Supervisor Hirschey :
You have heard from me, from this point of view.

You gave me a phone call and we just couldn't meet up. And then you said I would receive a letter by Wednesday.

Supervisor Hirschey:
And you will, if you come to the office we will talk about it and I will discuss the whole thing with you, I'm not going to discuss it here.

Um… with all fairness ,without offending anyone all right. Unilaterally, you cannot act on your own in this matter and if we put three people in the room the bloggers will beat us all up having an illegal meeting, um… I, I would consider a meeting with at least one other board member there, but I will not meet, there's no point in you and I just meeting because we will agree to everything and then nothing will happen.

Supervisor Hirschey:

But we can’t have three um…

Supervisor Hirschey:
My guess, I'll find a volunteer here, one on the board to sit with me.

All right.

Supervisor Hirschey:
And you may bring a representative.

Right now I'm not bringing anybody because I basically, in an effort to kind of put this thing to bed for the benefit of everybody.
I gave the town of Cape Vincent an out when I gave you that letter; you chose not to take it because you, you could've said.
I Gave You Two Ways To Get Around this , the first one is, and I stick with this, YOU DON'T LEGALLY HAVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL A PERMIT as Town Supervisor there was no town board action taken, so you can't even fall back on that.
Now I would think that the representative from the County planning Board would've jumped on that, you just don't have that legal right.
It should have gone ,all right - to the Zoning Enforcement Officer, then if you weren't happy it should've gone to the zoning board of appeals hearing.
Because you, I have the right to be heard in court, this is a court.
You’re unilaterally deciding, deciding that I don't have this right, you can't do it okay.
The issue is not whether or not I go, the issue is are you guys going to follow town law,and if you're not gonna do it.
The bigger question comes up in my mind, if I were to go get a permit to put up a pole barn on the Valley Road and it's a legitimate permit or a log cabin or a house, do I have to wait, how long do I have to wait, before I'm sure I can start construction ,to be sure that somebody that doesn't like me is gonna come to you and convince you to send me a letter saying that permit is no good.
The issue is not do this, or not do this. I personally don't care what, not to be told that if I have a legal right to do something not to do it, without having some recourse and there's a section of town law that gives me the recourse and the Challenger.
If you not to follow the law, then I don't follow the law and will all go to court and waste everybody's money ,all right the second thing is I gave you guys an out, saying that I'm really willing to compromise on this .
You can say you're right and I'm wrong if you can show me ,then I'll say I made a mistake and I’ll back off it ,or you can say you're wrong and you're sorry and I'll back off it, but if you don't say anything you got a problem .
People have sometimes said that I get a little hot headed, that’s not true, I just get a little louder.

Supervisor Hirschey:
I’ll be in the office tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I have to be in Utica tomorrow, but I will call ah in all fairness to everybody who, my schedule gets booked out pretty far, I will call and set up something in a couple weeks, it's the best I can do.

Supervisor Hirschey:

And I’ll give you enough advance notice.

Supervisor Hirschey:
All right.

But I just want to make it clear were not fighting over the turbine I really don't care, I got a Lotta land I can put it on, why Mr. Hludzenski would let me put it up next to him, nobody really cares well I won't I got a lot of land don't worry about it. All right but you're gonna follow the law.

Supervisor Hirschey:
I understand.

Do any of the other board members have a question for me I'm here this is the time, put out the open.

Supervisor Hirschey:
No, any other speakers.
Thank you, Okay.

Video of Edsall /POTF


  1. Mistake was Hirschey saying he might comment. Otherwise Edsall would have gone home and started his project (maybe). Please do it and stop yammering.

    Go ahead put up a $50,000 turbine on an empty lot. Be our guest. Once it goes up the whole town can complain to the ZBA, which will order it to be taken down.

    Edsall should also know that even if he has enough land to put a turbine next to Pandora's Box of Rocks that he has to put it where he said he was going to put it, not on any lot that he wishes.

  2. I agree, Hirschey should not have said that.
    Edsall is a very sad example of a defeated bully.

  3. What I got out of this was-I don't really care what I was fighting for-I just want you to say you're sorry and I was right. Richy, can we please close this issue and quit wasting everybodys time. Move on!

  4. I can't wait for Cape Vincent to have real zoning laws drafted by honest people with the interests of the whole community and surrounding area in mind.

    That will be so welcome.

  5. From what I have heard about the new zoning law the setbacks for a turbine that Edsall might consider will be very, very big. I guess there was a safety reason for stopping all of permits issued by Alan Wood. That of course will be lost in all of Edsall's complaining. He is as bad as Art Pund. I wonder, could those two have a common seed? They look like could be brothers. Holy crap, what a thought.

  6. Edsall & Pundt could start a band

  7. Anon 4:00
    You cerainly can't be serious. Placing Art and Edsall in the same category. If you would open up your simple mind, you would see that Art has a lot to say. Edsall is blowing off steam...

  8. Art may be intelligent however his constant criticism and attempts to discredit and demoralize others marginalizes his own credibility


  10. EDSALL, You have so much land. Have you thought about farming for a living? Of course that is another 4 letter word " work "

  11. I wonder if Rich said he was sorry for the things he did when he lost his job as a teacher?

  12. I wonder if he's sorry for the lies he told us to get us to buy our life insurance from him. Money which we got back through a class action law suit.

  13. Edsall appears to be getting a taste of his own medicine...

    I suppose he can always call the AG - they might launch an investigation, doubtful, but if they do, I hope he is patient...
