Saturday, May 19, 2012

The first annual Escape to the Cape was a great success.

Shelly Higgins ~Assemblywoman Addie J. Russell~ Michelle Bouchard

Organized by Assemblywoman Addie J Russell, Town of Cape Vincent and Cape Vincent Chamber of Commerce.
Rediscovering your back yard is an initiative to promote our local economy.
68% of every dollar spent at a locally-owned business stays in our local economy. And when you purchase from a local artisan, craftsmen or antique shop, you are investing in high-quality products that are often one of a kind.

By buying local or choosing a local business when planning a wedding registry, shower or special event, you can have a positive impact on the North Country's economy.

Escape to the Cape was a a fun family event.
Photos from the first annual escape to the Cape


Stay Focused said...

It is good to see the smiling faces of Cape residents.

But behind those smiles persists the fear of a real and present danger.

Some Cape residents - a small minority - want to turn the community into something completely different. What they want will result in a "dead zone" for all forms of civic, recreational, and traditional economic activity.

Then it will be necessary to plan the first annual "Escape from the Cape" event.

Anonymous said...

Stay focused, there were two groups noticeably absent from 'Escape To Cape Vincent', but who are signed-on to any 'Escape from Cape Vincent' event, British Petroleum Alternative Energy and Voters for Wind.

Escape was a small-town, small business event, BP would have been out of place, out of their element. That alone says a lot.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks to
Assemblywoman Addie J. Russell

Michelle Bouchard & Shelly Higgins
for making this event a reality!

Anonymous said...

WOW! why do you folks have to turn everything into wind .This was about buisnesses wanting to let people know they are here.Stay Focused why do you and anon 9:08 want to stir things.Can't you just let Cape Vincent people enjoy a day.People like you are destroying any hope of people wanting to come to Cape for a day or move here.Why would anyone want to when all they hear is negative things.Don't blame this on pro wind,you two are the ones that took what,Shelly and Michelle were trying to do for Cape and made it about wind. As my grandpappy use to say if you have nothing good to say,then keep your mouths shut.
It also was to benefit pre-school and library. Very Good Causes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, for your two cents Julia!!!!!!!!

Stay Focused said...


Nobody will be happier or more upbeat than I about Cape Vincent when the day comes that the Big Wind threat retreats from the town for good.

I'm sure you join me in celebrating on that day - or will you?

Anonymous said...

Stay Focused I still don't understand what wind as to do with this event.