
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How can Wind development be justified by New York State?

Article 10 the Power act of New York will regulate Power plant siting statewide.
 Article 10 states that Local laws are taken into consideration however, if they are considered unreasonably burdensome in view of the existing technology or the needs of or costs to ratepayers whether located inside or outside of such municipality.The board shall provide the municipality an opportunity to present evidence in support of such ordinance, law, resolution, regulation or other local action issued thereunder.

If the needs and costs to rate payers are so important to New York State that they may supersede local laws, then why is New York State delaying approval of the processes necessary to access Marcellus Shale natural gas?
New York politicians and regulators are denying the state the economic growth that other states are seeing. This short-sighted stalling on approving shale gas drilling is hurting the state’s economy, depriving workers of jobs, and reducing the tax revenue local governments desperately need.

In Pennsylvania, natural gas drilling brought in $3.5 billion in 2011. In West Virginia, that number was $1.2 billion. Meanwhile in New York our tax dollars are being pushed down a rat hole by a whirlwind of bad economic and environmental decisions promoting wind power, an unreliable form of energy that costs three times as much as electricity generated by coal and gas fired power stations.
Additionally the environmental devastation from industrial wind is something that we may never recover from. How can the rampant slaughter of birds and bats at the blades of wind turbines be justified if we have technology available to produce electricity without these environmental consequences?

Energy Citizens

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