Friday, May 18, 2012

Points to Ponder from Over Yonder

From the May 9 edition of the Thousand Island Sun

Recently Jeanne Thompson wrote about summer people in her Cape Vincent News column
I keep hearing about all the newcomers/ summer residents who have moved into Cape Vincent and are trying to change everything that has remained stagnant for many years.
I would hate to think that if I moved to a new town that I would not be welcomed nor would I have a right to express an opinion or to vote.
This is a democracy and as far as I know we all have a right to express ourselves and to be respected for those opinions. If you agree with them or not.
A lot of the old family names that are still here in our town are now people who have been able to retire so they , too can go where it is warm in the winter. Aren’t these people now considered summer people?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, Karen Bourcy is summerfolk?