Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Sad Sad Story ....

Hello, my name is Lady Grace I have been asked by Pandora to do a guest post .
Now that I have an opportunity I am going to set the record straight .
I have been working behind the scenes for years to make Pandora look good.

Below is a photo that proves I FOIL all of Pandora's documents
Note the FOIL request in my hand.
I wrote the Freedom of Information Law !!!!!

Additionally," I do most of Pandora’s research , so when you see some of that stuff on her blog there’s a good possibility it came from material and research I did!!!!!!"
"Pandora tries to do some research but when your husband sits on the town government appointed by the Hirschey Government . I guess your research gets a little fuzzy!"
That’s when I step in and clean up her mess!!!!

The book in my hand proves that I do all the research for Pandora!!!!!

What do I get in return? I get marginalized and blocked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And some people wonder why I have hissy fits !!!!!

Because It’s not all about ME,ME,ME,ME...

This is my Sad Sad story , slaving away . Just to make Pandora look good...


Anonymous said...

Hey Doll, why don't you come here more often?

Anonymous said...

Now that is funny! I am pretty sure there will be a hissy fit west of the Mississippi today!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am surprised to see Lady Grace is the force behind Pandora.

I was told it was an older, much shorter bald guy.

Just goes to show you, you can't believe everything you hear.

Anonymous said...

You've triggered my curiosity.

Does she like to get out much? Does she like whiskey?

Would she ride with me in the Poker Run? Does she own a bikini?

Anonymous said...

This posting is very cute and funny. I only wish you, Rick and Art can put more energy into getting along and work for the common good of CV. I realize it is difficult with egos involved. Each of you are providing such an invaluable service to the citizens of CV. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Rick has no ego in this effort whatsoever.

He has a purpose in maintaining and authoring his blog and part of that purpose was to work for the election of good and honest and uncomprommised public servants such as Urban Hirschey, Clif Schneider, Brooks Bragdon and John Bryne

Art has clearly not had a pupose in keeping with Rick's purpose. They have been far apart in their goals and opinions and approaches.

Do you expect Rick to provide a platform for Art to make his arguments for points that are directly contrary to Rick's own views and convictions?

It is Rick's blog. He is the author and owner of it. He has a purpose in keeping it up and active. Should he invite others to subvert his efforts?

This NOT about EGO - at least not in Rick's case.

Anonymous said...

The real sadness is the damage done to the social fabric of this community,by industrial wind. Neighbors fighting neighbors,the constant stress and anxiety felt by both sides of the issue,the outright vitriol displayed at public meetings, expressed in letters to the editor,letters to the PSC, etc. even you bloggers, supposedly on the same side of the fight scratching and clawing at each other.

This post isn't really amusing, it just further exposes the wounds inflicted on our community by wind development.

Why can't we focus on the real enemy that threatens our future.

Anonymous said...


There are "neighbors" among us who want industrial wind a deeply as you apparently do not.

How do you propose we can avoid serious internal conflict under those circumstances?

If you can come up with a win-win solution, please let the rest of us know.

This about a minority trying to impose its painful and costly will on a majority. Don't think you can blur that hard fact.

Anonymous said...

Art is all about Art.

He has one purpose in this. To make himself look important. As far as all the things he has written about both of the Cape Vincent bloggers, the Arizona blogger has a wild imagination about what he thinks they think. I now both of the CV bloggers and Art can only guess about what they are about.

K and Rick have no obligation to try to get along with Art.

Especially since the voters for wind now revel at the fact that Art has led the way in calling both bloggers liars. Art played right into their hands on that one.

Which is really the worse blogger crime here?

Marginalization or generalization?

Either way, the two Cape Vincent blogs have effectively served two different rolls without the need to try to prove their own self worth by tearing the other down.

Art, the Arizona blogger, does not work that way, has become a fascination in his own mind and relies on the other two for material to attack.

Anonymous said...

"This posting is very cute and funny. I only wish you, Rick and Art can put more energy into getting along and work for the common good of CV."

Are you kidding me?

Rick and Kay trying to get along with someone who is trying to screw them over?

Give us a break, 7:11!

Norman Bates said...

If I were you, I would not leave lady grace alone in the house.

Anonymous said...

Of course Art has a huge ego. But he wants the same thing all of us want. No turbines in CV. At least I think that's what all of us want??? So whats the point in attacking him? I'm not sure about attacking the Knothole Gang. Most people realize they are bunch of idiots who write letters at the urging of Beth White and Julia Gosier. It seems to me that all of us should focus on the committee that is writing the new zoning law and comp. plan. Let's not give them a blank check just because they beat out Smarty Mary and Lil Donny.

Anonymous said...

1:26 Finally a voice of reason.

Anonymous said...

"So whats the point in attacking him?"

So what's the point of him attacking all of us and attacking the two bloggers and attacking the Hirschey administration.

When you see Art, tell him to go piss up a rope

Anonymous said...

I would strongly urge YOU to approach him and tell him to "go piss up a rope". I don't think you have the courage to do that!

Anonymous said...

Art was a schmuck to write the kind of dribble he wrote about the anti-wind that have work so hard to get us where we are with all of this. You don't get the same thing by alienating your former friends.
He wrote what he wrote. His purpose was to taunt the Cape blogs rom out in Arizona and now he has to live with the way everyone feels about that.
He is on his own with the few that agree with him. I say the same as the guy above and you can hold the rope.

Anonymous said...

"So whats the point in attacking him?"


I have been reading both CV blogs.

I have not read one single post by either JLL or Pandora that
takes personal attacks against Art Pundt or have even mentioned his blog.

When I found about Art Pundt's blog and was going there to read it,
his posts were nothing but one very crazy tirade after another
taking personal stabs at Pandora and JLL. He would say his blog told the truth and the other blogs lie. He said he knew the real story and then started telling weird stuff. Then he would tell his readers
how things are done in his home of Arizona. The man is very demeaning.

To my recollection none of Pandora's or JLL posts even mentions the guys name or ever carried on like that.

When I first read the above Lady Grace post I laughed and I did not even associate
the post with Art Pundt. Don't even know he was.. The first time I even heard his name,
Harold Wiley was asking if he was at a town meeting because he agreed with him
and wanted to thank him.

Keep doing what you are doing. They are your blogs not Art Punts.

Anonymous said...

Pandora, you have only done yourself a disservice with this theatrical presentation. Art's probably chuckling to himself that you would stoop to this sort of childish little tirade.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:26. I have never heard one pro wind person badmouthing another and the bickering between the bloggers does not make any sense. I don't want any windmills in Cape Vincent. I don't care whether it comes from a ban, a zoning law, the comprehensive plan, no pilot, or no financial backing.......whatever keeps them out is fine with me. I know all three bloggers, I like all of them. Do I agree with everything that each says? Obviously not. But I do think as 1:26 said, none of them want windmills in Cape Vincent and neither do I.

Anonymous said...

"childish little tirade."

From Pandora..?

She was writing about her doll...

you tried it into such

Anonymous said...

Where does it say in the Pandora Post that Lady Grace was Art Pundt in drag?

I guess I missed something.

Anonymous said...

6:42 very disingenuous! And how trivial is this whole story.

Anonymous said...

Never mind Art Pundt!

I want to know more about Lady Grace.

Does she have any tattoos?

And if so, where are they?

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain who Art Pundt is?

Anonymous said...

This isn't a story about a doll, it's a story about an ego. Pandy, you missed a good opportunity. If the story is about an ego, then the doll should have been named Mimi (Me Me), not Grace.

Anonymous said...

"Art's probably chuckling to himself "

Of course he is. He even said that his purpose was to get even with the Cape blogs and "tell the real truth" because he was offended that he was not allowed to take the Cape blogs over and use them to rant his crazy rants. His ideas are not sufficient to draw readers with his ideology so he had to make his blog an attack machine on the Cape Vincent blogs and the Hirschey administration and anyone who happens to come along.

A picture is worth a thousand words. My advice to Art is to stick with the pictures. As a political operator and purveyor of ideas, he is a complete dud.

Anonymous said...

Yikes!!!! Lady Grace is delusional. Wake up people!!!
That was my story. I have been in this from the beginning. What planet are you from? There is more to this than Lady Grace will tell you. She is a tool for the town board. A Hirshey doll. I live in a solar home and know a guy with a Doctorate degree who lives in a solar home. Get real.