
Friday, May 4, 2012

* They Paved Paradise to put

Wind Turbines on Wolfe Island

Viewer discretion is advised , video contains obscene images


  1. It's a beautiful thing ,the destruction of Wolfe Island

  2. K

    I visited with one of owners of a home shown in this video. As we stood in his driveway he pointed out that he can see every single one of the Wolfe Island turbines from where we we standing.

    At night, every flashing light. "Like living in a pinball machine."

    And yes, they were noisy.

    Ironically, he told me that when he built his island dream home he ran underground hydro to his house so there would be nothing distracting around his new home.

    I did not tell him this, but my feeling while standing there was that no one would ever pay him what his home is worth if they ever considered buying it at all.

    There is another side of Wolfe Island that the Voters for Wind deny.

    At a town of Cape Vincent wind turbine economic committee, Marlene Burton told the group that the head man at TransAlta told v
    Voters for Wind that bird kills were no problem since they shut the turbines down during the migration.

  3. Very sad. Very sad. Will Assemblywoman Russell and Senator Ritchie do everything within their power to prevent this from happening on their side of the St. Lawrence River?

    They can be very infuential figures in this if they simply choose to.

  4. Wolfe Island is still a very good place to ride bicycles from Cape to Kingston. Yes, they are bad and I prefer the old days. I tell my kids. Look at it this way. They will be gone by the time you are ready to bring your kids here. But please, CV don't make the same mistake. I have befriended locals who tell me they are sadder by them and apologetic.
