
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cape Vincent ~ MORATORIUM BE DAMNED ~ BP's Show Must Go On

We may be in the middle of a Moratorium in Cape Vincent however; this has not stopped BP from moving forward with the plans for their Cape Vincent industrial wind project.
Word on the street is that BP has been throwing money around our community adding to the footprint of their project by signing more people up to wind leases.
Today the Watertown Times is reporting that Ogdensburg Port Authority is in negotiations with planners for the Cape Vincent Wind Project and another project in Vermont for 2014.
“We’re actually working with some big names in the industry,” said John A. Rishe, director of the Authorities commercial and industrial development. “We had roughly 20 meetings with potential customers at the show.”

Link here to read the WDT story


  1. Now is the time for our community to galvanize against this monster the anti-wind in our community need to come out of the closet and openly participate in this fight.

  2. Anon 7:16 AM.

    Who or what is the monster, anti-wind forces or BP? Your comment is unclear.

    In spite of recent activity by BP, not much has changed. Town is still moving ahead with not-so-burdensome zoning laws related to wind, Congress is hell-bent to stop handouts to the wind industry, Article 10 isn't so friendly to wind, judged by their pleas on the PSC's comment line, and there's no way BP will get a PILOT out of this Town Board.

    The only local fight will be when the State Siting Board pulls into town; then the fireworks will make French Day look like a burned out sparkler.

  3. Maybe the town should contact the AG on what is going on with BP completely ignoring the morotorium and conducting business. Surely the AG would want to look into the blatent disregard for any type of authority.

    He can just add it to the ongoing investigation of former town and planning board actions, that investigation surely is almost concluded, right Mr. AG?

  4. Hey anonymous 10:28 PM you may be on to something.

    What are the legal terms of the moratorium? I know it is binding on the town not to consider anything further on any application for wind, but is there also some responsibility on the applicant/developer?

    BP knows it won't get a permit with a moratorium in place and they know they cannot begin construction while a moratorium is in place, but they probably can talk and plan. Talking and planning, however, is one thing, but actively adding new leaseholders with binding land use agreements may be different and may be prohibited. Inquiring minds need to know, "Are BP's land agents stepping over the line signing new cooperators during a moratorium?"

  5. I have an idea.Perhaps they can get the corrupt Com. of Ag. and Mkts; to help them .After all they just fired two of his boys running the State Fair for corruption. It just goes on and on.I heard that they were going to have D. A put turbines on top of the grand stand to power the lights for the concerts.
