
Friday, June 22, 2012


This promotional video by New York State emphasizes New York as a leader in innovation, highlighting wind turbines as a force to spark this innovation.
One thing is certain the promotion of wind energy by New York State will spark controversy.

 NY State Website  featuring promotional video link here

1 comment:

  1. The media loves to blend in images of wind farms whenever they are trying to make people think about "forward thinking technological innovation."

    But look real hard. In any visual image of wind turbines you see in any ad or promo piece you will never see a wind farm towering over a settled community where people actually live.

    You think that is by accident? They want the casual viewer to think that wind farms can't bother anyone because they are all "out in the middle of nowhere." And they have largely succeeded in creating that impression.

    When wind power was first concieved on a utility scale (for better or worse) it was never presumed that anyone would try to erect over a hundred big turbines inside a settled township. They were considered appropriate only for vast open spaces.

    But "green competitiveness" and green one-upsmanship among politicians looking for green bragging rights (Governors Pataki, Spitzer, Patterson and Cuomo, among them)have condoned efforts to bring wind power into the settled communities of upstate NY -right into the midst of places where people have their homes -- seemingly oblivious to the incompatibility of multiple huge wind turbines spinning over peoples' homes.

    It is a travesty - driven by political insensitivity to rural communites and corporate indifference to the lives of real people.
