
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The squeaky wheel gets the grease

2007 , Stantec sent letters out to the residents of Cape Vincent announcing their plans to build an 86 turbine wind complex on Wolfe Island Identifying the residents of Cape Vincent as stakeholders in this project .

Although the project has been completed this does not mean we are no longer stakeholders. Since the Wolfe Island wind project became operational the turbine noise from Wolfe Island can be heard in Cape Vincent. However the turbines are in another country and there is nothing that we can do. But this may not be the case after all...
Canadian officials have received close to 500 complaints over a mysterious noise or hum that seems to be coming from Zug Island (island in the city of River Rouge near the southern city limits of Detroit Michigan).
Residents of Windsor Ontario have blamed the hum for causing illness, whipping dogs into frenzies, keeping cats housebound and sending goldfish to the surface in backyard ponds. Many have resorted to switching on their furnace fan all season to drown out the noise.

Even weirder, Americans can't seem to hear it. Canadians find that suspicious—especially since their research suggests the hum is coming from the Yankees' side—and accuse U.S. officials of staying silent over the noise.

The Canadian Government has approached our government about noise, as stakeholders it may be time to contact our representatives, and be vocal with our complaints.
Below are documents I received from Stantec notifying me of the Wolfe Island Project and the  stakeholder comment period

Audio recording of the Windsor Hum~ Sounds like wind turbines to me.

Wallstreet Video news story about the noise

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Canadians Make a Racket Over Mysterious 'Windsor Hu


  1. Aren't those turbines on Wolfe Island just beautiful?

  2. Yes they serve a beautiful purpose. They have served as a warning to Cape Vincent not to make the same mistake as was made on Wolfe.

    One of the noisiest turbines on Wolfe is shut down and
    not running today. They have lots of problems.
