
Friday, June 1, 2012

What goes thump in the night ~ and day?

There was a story in yesterday’s Ogdensburg Journal concerning Hammond submitting comments contesting wind regulations outlined in Article X of the 2011 Power NY Act.

The  Hammond town council submitted their comments Friday. Regulations under the Article X energy law could override local planning boards and zoning codes in regards to the placement of wind turbines and farms, said Town Supervisor Ronald W. Bertram.

“There were two issues first being home rule... and the other being the lack of sound standards,” said Mr. Bertram.
Council members argue that the C-weighted, or low-frequency sound, produced by wind turbines can have negative impacts on the town.
“They are not taking that into consideration - that is the major factor in placement of wind turbines,” said council member Douglas E. Delosh.
Siting wind turbines and Noise has been a point of contention between wind companies and residents.
The wind companies claim their turbines are not noisy however, a remarkable comment posted to this article tells a different story ...

I was on Wolfe Island on a quiet afternoon last weekend. I parked for a moment on a dirt road leading off the paved highway from Horne's ferry dock to Marysville.

Three turbines were about three hundred yards from where I parked. The sound from the turbines was very loud -- thrump, thrump, thrump. It is hard to describe . Not quite like any other noise you are accustomed to hearing. It is a dull roar but with a steady pulsing rhythm.

I would sell my house at whatever price I could get for it if I had to live within any proximity of those things.

Doubt what I am saying about the noise? Find out for yourself. It is not as if you have to go to Iowa to find out. Go to Wolfe Island or Tug Hill. Easy trips to make. Sure -- the sound will vary depending on conditions and distances. But believe me. The sound is real. It is significant. And it would be highly intrusive to the enjoyment of your rural home. Nobody in their right mind would build or buy a home in the vicinity of where I was standing on Wolfe Island last week.
By Pater Fri., Jun. 01 at 11:26 am

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