Sunday, July 15, 2012

Call for a moratorium on wind development in Canada

by Dan McLean
14 July 2012

Wind Concerns Ontario is joining the call for a moratorium on wind turbine development.

President Jane Wilson says it only makes sense since Health Canada announced it is going to study the impact turbines have on the health of people living near them.
Wilson says it is unacceptable for the Ontario government to continue to approve projects when they are not able to measure the noise from these turbines.
Researchers will assess residents’ blood pressure and take other physical measurements, and measure noise levels both inside and outside some homes.
Some people complain that exposure to low-frequency noise and vibrations from turbines can lead to sleep disorders, headaches, depression, anxiety and even blood pressure changes.
Wilson is glad to hear researchers will actually visit the homes of people affected by the turbines.

The study will take about two years to complete.
Wilson hopes the study will find wind turbines should not be set so close to residential homes.
She also hopes there will be compensation for people affected by wind turbines.

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