Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cape Vincent Public hearing (Zoning) Video's

Saturday’s public hearing Re; the newly revised zoning law, was a strange affair.
After witnessing Mr. Lamora’s conduct at the meeting I was not going to post anything about it. However, a confidential informant told me that this was a staged event and that the conspirators had been boasting prior to the hearing  about what was going to happen.

Dave Lamora began by aggressively interrupting Supervisor Hirschey as he was explaining the procedure of the meeting.
I was present at the meeting and I have viewed the video several times and it escapes me what they were attempting to accomplish other than making fools of themselves. LaMora refused to yield the floor to other citizens, denying them their right to speak.  The board attempted to accommodate Mr. Lamora as much as they could, even offering Mr. LaMora time after the other citizens were allowed to speak. Mr.Lamora would not compromise.

Cape Vincent Public Hearing ~Intro  Dave Lamora the begining...
8 minutes 36 seconds

CV Public hearing Part II ~ More ~ Lamora
 8 minutes 19 seconds

CV public hearing Part III ~ Audience votes Re: letting Lamora continue for 20 more minutes. Lamora refuses to cede floor.
3 minutes 53 seconds

Cape Vincent Public hearing Re: zoning Part IV The final chapter ...
13 min 41 seconds


Anonymous said...

"Mr.Lamora would not compromise."

That statement Pandy says it all. It's Dave's way or the highway.

Anonymous said...

You could not pay me to go to any of these meetings. Having been insulted more than once being told "I am not a local" I now take it as a compliment!!! It is no wonder there is such a mess here. I have never lived anywhere that the males are treated like babies and coddeled by their mothers all the way into their 30's. No wonder they are just a bunch of old spoiled brats!

Anonymous said...

"I pay roughly $ 5000 + in taxes on my Cape Vincent property. Divided by 3 minutes that comes out to $1,666 per minute. The town board's absurd 3 minutes to talk at a public hearing is rather expensive democracy for all of us."

That is what Mr. Pundt has said. There is your proof that the man is not stable. The yellow shirt was appropriate for the day as he sent his drone out to do his three minutes for him.

He and David Lamora are living in a comic book playing super heroes who believe they are going to save us from Hirscheyville.

Anonymous said...

If it is really that important for anyone to be able to promote their ideas, why don't they just write it, print it, and pass out to anyone at the meetings that may or may not be interested. Take your 3
minutes for your briefing of your ideas and let those in room know you have elaborated further in your printed copy available to all.
I realize of course they may have to spend a few pennies for paper and print. If your idea is that important to you, make the effort.

ConcernedCitizen said...

Thank you Pandora for doing the video report.orkinhor 13

My recording showed that Mr. Lamora consumed the first 57 min 12 seconds of the three hour public meeting.

Anonymous said...

Town Board members are all human and when someone pulls a stunt like Lamora and Pundt don't expect the Town Board to seriously consider their suggestions. Lamora's purpose was not to question or suggest reasonable alternatives, his purpose was to embarrass and for that he was very successful. Unfortunately for him, he did a remarkable job of embarrassing only himself.

Anonymous said...

Video III
After the first vote to let Lamora speak for 20 min, or not, Lamora said I didn't raise my hand. After the second vote, it was determined that the audience wanted him to have only the allotted 6 min, Lamora said I never agreed to abide by a vote. If so why did he vote?

David LaMora said...
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Anonymous said...


"playing super heroes who believe they are going to save us from Hirscheyville."

That may have been closest to the truth of all.

Mr. Lamora was a member of the comp plan committee. He did not show up to observe the public hearing on his own work that morning. If he had, he would have seen that the hearing ran very smoothly with varied opinion and people listening to people. Lots of extra time was granted to those who wanted to say more after the set rules allowed each an expediently guarantee of comment time.

There was even an open discussion and answers to questions. Well done by the board.

He should have known that they accepted text. If he was handicapped at oration as he claim in the video then he should have submitted the text and stayed away or come and handed it in his choice. But he derived others of their rights.

If the board made one mistake, they were too trusting and should have prepared for the likes of Punt and Lamora with police on duty.

Anonymous said...

Pundt is a CRAZY man, he gives squirrels food for thought

Anonymous said...


just what cops are suppose to be doing .call the cops you sound like the old regime.

WTF? said...

Artie's recent post starts like this....

"I am going to preface my remarks by making it clear this post is my opinion only."

Which proves our point that anything he has to say beyond that is not worth further consideration or waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Dave, when richie Edsall starts supporting you, maybe it's time to reevaluate your position.
"Your" opinions, if implemented in the zoning laws, would certainly be considered overly burdensome by any siting board.
Do you want to be known as the man who caused Cape Vincent's zoning laws to be thrown out and rewritten by BP?