
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Lost Opportunities

UPDATE 6:42 AM 7/20/12
By now you may have heard that the Public Service Commission has filed
A motion, to dismiss without prejudice, the proceeding for the approval of a 50.6-mile transmission line connecting Galloo Island to the Fitzpatrick-Edic Substation in town of Mexico, Oswego County.

One of the issues they cited was what they called a unique burden to land owners. Several landowners expressed their frustration with the proceeding inquiring as to how much longer the case would be allowed to remain open. Those landowners also explained that they had not and would not continue to develop or improve their properties while this proceeding was ongoing; this is exactly what has happened to Cape Vincent. We have become a stagnant community due to the threat of BP/Acciona’s proposed wind development.

Many people that I have talked to have refrained from improving their property due to the threat of industrial wind. Others have put their homes up for sale and some people have not moved to our community because of the threat of industrial wind.

Opportunities are unfolding for New York farmers that cannot be taken advantage of because our community is being held hostage by BP .

Today Celtic farms on Fox Creek road is hosting  a public event  to highlight the availability of funding for farmers through the Biomass Crop Assistance .
Governor Cuomo just signed into law a measure sponsored by Senator Patty Ritchie that include tax breaks and other incentives, to help boost the growing craft brewing industry in the state, boost tourism, reestablish New York farmers as leaders in the hops production—and help create new jobs.
 Additionally, The wine and grape industry is growing in Northern NY, these are two areas that have great potential for farmers. Unfortunately if their farm land is encumbered by a phantom wind development these are lost opportunities for our community.

Below is an email I received from a small business owner asking about the future of our community. Another example of a lost opportunity.

Our dream is to live in the St Lawrence River area. Cape Vincent has long been one of the towns of interest. We are wondering about the status of the wind farm and how it will impact the community. I have seen differing maps of the proposed farm and am wondering where to get the best information. I am not anti-wind farm but some of the maps I have seen look like it could destroy Cape Vincent’s charm.




  1. I want my money! I WANT my money, dammit!!

    And I don't want to grow any damned grapes or hops to get it!

  2. Assistance for crop growing for bio is a very expense way to subsidize. But it is better than Harold Wiley's plan for ruining our community with foreign wind.
    Patty's bio subsidy at least goes directly to the people and the farmer welfare queens have to work for it rather than sitting on their ass while collecting wind money and destroying our investments in our homes.

  3. You bet it would destroy Cape Vincent's charm. Just the threat of the wind mill scourge over the last 7+ years has taken a severe toll on everything great about this town. There is hope however, now that we have thinking people in place on all three boards. We must never let our guard down again but but remain vigilant and work to keep quality people in place on all Town Boards.

  4. The river is beautiful. But the people here are NOT. If you are truly thinking of starting a new business go where there is a more diversified population.
