BP (British Petroleum ) Cape Vincent Wind Lease holder list
What is the difference between a lease agreement, a memorandum of agreement, an easement, consent, an assignment of agreement and an agreement in mortgages?
Why do some agreements have an amount, usually $5,000, listed while other agreements have no dollar amount noted?
Why was the New York State Commissioner of Agriculture & Markets listed as completing a 'Consent' in June 2012 during a time when there was a moratorium on wind development in the Town of Cape Vincent?
Why were there nine other agreements negotiated by BP with Cape Vincent landowners during the town's wind moratorium?
Are all of these agreements described in this posting recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk's office?
It certainly may be unethical but probably legal to continue to sell leases in the town because it might not be considered town planning board business.
The secrecy, the ethics and the heavy handedness of wind development has been a problem all along. Remember when Acciona and the green shirts went after Hirschey and tried to remove him from his office?
It appears that they are now trying to remove you and your rightful opinions from the internet.
I have sent some money in for your defense.
I sent it to:
Blogger's Defense Fund Box 8 Three Mile Bay, NY 13693
I am proud of the people in our communities of Lyme and Cape who stepped forth to make the fund happen.
What is the difference between a lease agreement, a memorandum of agreement, an easement, consent, an assignment of agreement and an agreement in mortgages?
Why do some agreements have an amount, usually $5,000, listed while other agreements have no dollar amount noted?
Why was the New York State Commissioner of Agriculture & Markets listed as completing a 'Consent' in June 2012 during a time when there was a moratorium on wind development in the Town of Cape Vincent?
Why were there nine other agreements negotiated by BP with Cape Vincent landowners during the town's wind moratorium?
Are all of these agreements described in this posting recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk's office?
It certainly may be unethical but probably legal to continue to sell leases in the town because it might not be considered town planning board business.
The secrecy, the ethics and the heavy handedness of wind development has been a problem all along. Remember when Acciona and the green shirts went after Hirschey and tried to remove him from his office?
It appears that they are now trying to remove you and your rightful opinions from the internet.
I have sent some money in for your defense.
I sent it to:
Blogger's Defense Fund
Box 8
Three Mile Bay, NY 13693
I am proud of the people in our communities of Lyme and Cape who stepped forth to make the fund happen.
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