Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cape Vincent NY ~ Tourism Promotional video

The short video below is a compilation of statements made by a resident at the public hearing for the comprehensive plan and  has been edited for length.

What does BP's visual assessment say about Tourism and Turbines

Cape Vincent Wind Energy Project SVRA – January 2011

#07-083.50M Page 36

– The Thousand Islands region of New York State is a widely recognized vacation destination drawing thousands of visitors year-round. These individuals come to the area specifically to enjoy the historic, recreational, and scenic resources of the lake, river and islands. Most tourists and seasonal residents would have high sensitivity to the visual quality and landscape character, regardless of the frequency or duration of their exposure to the proposed Project. This group may view the proposed facility while boating on the river or lake, from coastal vantage points or while traveling local roadways for the purpose of enjoying the scenic waterfront landscape.

Link here to read BP's full visual assessment report


Anonymous said...

At the conclusion of BP's report they said, "However, unlike development projects such as housing complexes and commercial centers, the proposed wind energy facility can and will be decommissioned and removed at the end of its useful working life. All of the towers will be removed and the project area restored to as near its present condition as possible, thus restoring the landscape to its original condition."

This is BP's main approach to mitigating their uglfying the Cape - we'll remove the eyesore when we leave. But, does anyone believe BP will honor their word? I might begin to believe what BP says if they had not formed the Cape Vincent Wind Project as an LLC. The beauty of an LLC means that BP can leave their mess with no responsibility.

Decommissioning will be a HUGE cost, probably costing more than the wind farm would be worth in 20 years. BP has no intention of spending a nickel on taking any of their projects down, unless of course their is some kind of federal subsidy.

Anonymous said...

You can bet that Bp already has planned a strategy for getting out from under a very expensive decommissioning.

As soon as they sink a shovel, their project will be for sale, they will cash in their subsidies and go.

Some think Bp is so rich they don't need a PILOT.

The big reason why they do need a PILOT is so they can sell it.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at the picture in the visual assessment they presented of the Wolfe Island Turbines.

The picture is misleading and a fraud.

This summer I saw Wolfe Island turbines every day except one rainy one.
They glistened in the sun and took over the whole view scape. The night time lights have ruined evenings for all of us impacted by what Karen Stumpf wants to do to us.

Shame on you Ms. Stump for such a disparaging and inaccurate account of what you want people to think CV is so you can justify your husband's cash flow from Bp.

This has been a very good summer and tourism is and will be doing just fine and long as they don't believe your message. The only thing that will keep tourists away and ruin our value is turbines.

The message of the people who are under advisement of the Bp community organizer should no longer be tolerated by Cape Vincent and should be severely challenged at every turn...

Thank You Pandora

Anonymous said...

Voters for wind and citizens for air government have worked hard to get out a contrary message. Some time ago the Joey Giaquinto gave to the community the Cape is noisy anyway and there is nothing beautiful out there speech. In the meantime they are in a water district that is not cooperating with a firm hired to do a safety survey to be sure everything is safe. The Democratic candidate for the town board and his dad have been involved in the problem water district, too. It would not be wise to vote for a CV Democrat town board guy until we trust their ability to run a government.

Anonymous said...

Karen Stumpf called appraiser Michael McCann a shill for the anti wind and claimed that he was telling lies, lies, lies.

Michael McCann reviewed the CV wind turbine impact report and said that properties in Cape Vincent will lose 40% or more as a result of being close to the proposed developments..

Stumpf made claims for voters for wind but is not a certified property appraiser...

Karen is a member of Marion Trieste's favorite group. Marion Trieste is paid by Bp as a community organizer. We believe that she does not have the right message for our communities.

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Bloggers Defense Fund
Box 8
Three Mile Bay, NY 1369s

Anonymous said...

I want my money! I want my money, dammit!