
Monday, August 27, 2012


End the Production Tax Credit

AUGUST 26, 2012

President Obama told Associated Press in an interview Saturday that Mitt Romney’s new energy plan shows a ‘disdain for green energy.’ The President said ‘Romney will make good on his vow to end tax credits for wind power projects.’

The President went on to say “He [Romney] said that he would eliminate tax credits that are going to wind producers, even though we've doubled the production of wind energy. I suspect that he has to follow through on those commitments.”[1]
Continue reading via this link.

The Production Tax Credit (PTC) is nothing more than a Welfare Program for the wind industry, and it should be allowed to expire.
 The PTC was Enacted by Congress in 1992  temporary measure to beef up the wind industry.

Between 2009 and 2013 Wind Subsidies cost American taxpayers $14 billion and $6 billion of these alone were from the Production Tax Credit.[2]

The potential of the Production Tax Credit expiring in December 2012 does not Bode well with Wind proponents.
The argument being used by the American Wind Energy Association and their supporters is that without the Production Tax Credit thousands of jobs will evaporate.
As a result of this thinking, U.S. lawmakers said they may consider extending and then phasing out the main tax break for producing wind energy. [3]

However, this argument is nothing more than a sham
As it now stands the current law provides the benefits of the Production Tax Credit be phased out.   For example, there is 10 year benefit eligibility for turbines after they have been constructed. Turbines created in 2007 will receive the PTC until 2017. So any turbine that is created before the deadline will continue to receive benefits for a decade, until January 2023. [4]

Realistically if this industry has not been able to get on its feet after twenty years and
 Billions in tax subsidies , it is time to stop the insanity.

[1] Examiner .com

[2] Press Release Senator Lamar Alexander 

[3] Bloombergu-s-lawmakers-consider-phaseout-of-wind-energy-tax-break

[4] National center for Policy analysis


  1. Farmers are famous for being on the welfare queen list.

    Yes, they work hard, but they are always looking for a government hand out and feel entitled.

    In the case of the Cape the few farmers involved in Voters for Wind are willing to sell the rest of us to a corporation in exchange for their cash flow.

    Karen Stumpf's disgusting speech and the voter for wind testimonials to the PSC are examples of their pathetic community organizer driven message.

    But now they are being taken advantage of as industrial wind claims that the benefactors are "poor farmers" when most are investors.

    Not is a sham

  2. The agricultural community never saw a subsidy they didn't like, embrace or love. They undoubtedly see no problem with the PTC as long as they benefit. Think how different the Cape's wind saga would have been if there was no wind money going to local landowners, but instead if the State had taken a small portion of their land to site wind turbines through eminent domain. Ha, Gary King, the Masons and the Whites would have all been screaming foul, foul along with the rest of us selfish anti-wind enthusiasts.

    Along that line, I've heard a rumor that Article 10 would void leaseholder contracts with wind companies and that the State would oversee contract renewals on their terms. Any truth to this rumor?

  3. Certainly, that would make more sense...

    Perhaps that is why Bp claims that they have engaged with the community.

    But who trusts that "engagement" other than there community organizers favorite group in the whole world?

  4. Voided wind leases should make all the green shrits sit up and notice. I also recall something in the Capes new zoning law that said it superceedes any existing land agreements.

  5. That is true... 10:47

    You can't make your own variance because of a side deal.

    Only the ZBA has that authority to do a variance.

  6. "Only the ZBA has the authority to do a variance."

    If the town of Cape Vincent,and its citizens, demand the rights granted to us according to New York Home Rule,and the United States Constitution, then ,only the ZBA can authorize a variance to our zoning law.

    If we acknowledge and participate in the Article X process we are giving the State the authority to grant one huge variance to our law, to whatever developer it wants,regardless of our protestations.
