
Saturday, September 22, 2012

BP & Acciona have always been

Disengaged from our Community

 Update 9/22/12
7: 11 AM 

Over the years both Acciona and Bp have demonstrated a strange notion as to what it means to “engage” the Community of Cape Vincent.

 Apparently, BP reaches out to our community from closed doors as well.
At yesterday afternoons Special Planning Board (PB) meeting the Planning Board Chair   mentioned a meeting that took place at Rec Park this past Saturday. Apparently it was an opportunity for BP to meet with the 4% they view as the community of Cape Vincent. Interestingly enough when the Planning Board Chair mentioned the meeting there were no denials from the audience

One particular example of the disconnect between these foreign companies and our community was noted by the Watertown Times.  

Wind developer should open meetings
FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2010
Acciona Wind Energy USA has a strange way of reaching out to the public. They'll do it behind closed doors.

The developer of St. Lawrence Wind Farm in Cape Vincent plans to set up a community relations group of 10 to 15 town and county officials as well as residents on both sides of the issue to provide a variety of viewpoints.

Project Manager Peter E. Zedick said it will help them share "all the information we can with the community." They expect to meet next month with several other meetings planned this year under the direction of a moderator from Jefferson Community College's Center for Community Center.

But there's a catch...

Link here to read full story in the Watertown Daily Times
Community Relations Group letter


  1. The Bryan Stumpf letter was a public relations disaster. It sent a chill through the numerous public service organizations who wanted to simply do their job for their community and not see their public service organization become divided and discouraged as they would lose old friends and gain new enemies because of wind developer engagement.

    Acciona began engaging with what appeared to be nothing more than offers and bribes to local service organizations and individuals.

    People actually quit some groups and stopped donating because of the Acciona-Bp attempts at "engagement".

    For example, people were irate at the French Festival Acciona advertisement and were concerned that Acciona would engage their one cherished event. That advertisement was a slap in the face to those who did not want their community destroyed by industrial wind turbine impacts.

    At one organization where Stumpf himself was an out of town member, pro wind actually walked out of an induction of a new anti wind member.

    The Acciona-Bp community engagement has been a most horrible time for our community.

    Bp, please go home and leave us alone and let us recover from the years of Marion Trieste's your community organizer's and your local horrible engagement with our community.

    We want our families back. We want our friends back. We want our community back. Go back to Britain.


  2. More secrets. ,Secret community relations, Secret wind leases, secret discussions about picnic food.
    Whats next, will BP secretly abandon their leaseholders?

  3. 9:08

    What is not a secret was that VFW and Acciona engaged the JCIDA. The green shirt people from Lyme and CV attending not only wanted a PILOT but voter for wind members were there along with Tim Conboy and an Acciona Lawyer asking that the JCIDA DENY THE LOCAL TAXING JURISDICTIONS THE RIGHT TO VOTE ON A WIND PILOT FOR LYME AND CAPE VINCENT. Mr. Macsherry should ask Mr. King the voter for wind spokesman and political leader of the Citizens for Fair government if he attended that meeting. The Acciona-VFW request, if honored, would have prevented the Town of Lyme, Town of Cape Vincent, the County, and the two school districts from having a vote on the PILOT. The green shirt engagement was recorded as official JCIDA business.

    The attending green shirts were members of the Marion Trieste advised Voters for Wind. Marion was hired by Bp to organize the community message. Julia Gosier gave a statement to the JCIDA objecting to allowing a local jurisdiction the right to vote on a PILOT.

    If anyone in CV is writing a counter to Bp's PIP they should be sure to add that as an example of Bp-Acciona community engagement to their side of the story.

  4. Pandora,

    This is a very important phase of the PIP that you point out.

    A safe rule of thumb for all civic organization leaders in the towns of Lyme and Cape Vincent. Fire Dept., societies, C of C, busineses, lions, school, IDA, etc.

    If you are engaging with Voters for Wind or Citizens for Fair Government, you are engaging with Bp.

    Bp, Marion Trieste and her favorite Voter for Wind members engagement along with Citizens for Fair Government could lead to a split in and lack of support of organizations. WDT editorial staff was right on this one.

  5. 11:55

    You should have added that if you are engaging with Bp you are risking all respect by the community who used to support you.

    Remember the Syracuse students killed over Lockerbie?

    Or more locally, remember what Bp will do to the only nest egg many Cape people got. Their home investment.

    When a person does time for a local organization it should be for the good of their community and not for their own self interest. Think about that one and look around.
