
Saturday, September 29, 2012

BP's Community Outreach

Dear PSC,
I read BP's PIP and how they have "reached out to the community."

I would like to share with you what happened in the fall of 2010.   This link proves that it  happened and this is the key point- BP made up our guidelines for setbacks from property lines. These setbacks were never publicly agreed to nor lawfully adopted.

In October 2010, BP had tractors plowing up land at the  precise  turbine sites, transmission sites, and substations. While these tractors were rumbling across the land, lawyers in cowboy boots, Notary Public at their sides,  were going door to door telling people "it was a done deal- this is your last chance to sign".

Many people did sign- after all the tractors were plowing only the exact locations and not more of the fields.

I went to the Planning Board meeting of Oct 13, 2010 to ask Chairman Richard Edsall and his board" What were the rules? What were the setbacks? Who gave BP the right to decide 800 feet from a nonparticipating property owner was ok?

He said I, a citizen,  could not speak.

Yet in the audience was Tim Conboy, developer from Acciona. Tim, although wind was not on the  agenda , was allowed to speak and further his company's agenda by proceeding forward with Site Plan Criteria planning.

Please let your mind dwell on the imagery of tractors splitting the earth on BP's guidelines and lawyers knocking on peoples' doors.

This was intimidation and a genuine attempt to simply lawlessly smash through to the end zone.  Shock and awe.  Why did they think they could get away with it? Because the Planning Board, comprised of leaseholders and their supporters,  had already shown its willingness to rubber stamp Acciona's EIS.

I still ask "Who DID give BP the right to decide setback distances and make up our local laws?"

Please do not be hoodwinked by the whitewashed PIP.
BP has done nothing to establish trust nor ever communicated in good faith with this community.

Cape Vincent's new un-conflicted Town Board has amended our  Zoning Law to protect the health, safety , welfare of the entire community.
Cape Vincent has had Economic Impact Studies done and Sound studies to evaluate what is in the best interest of Cape Vincent.

These documents show there is very little room for an Industrial Wind Project.

If BP were actually listening to Cape Vincent  they would leave.

Sincerely, Hester Chase

Link below  to comment letters

1 comment:

  1. It looks like the cut and copy function has been disabled on the blog. Can you please either enable it or make the link Hester's post active so we can see the video.
