The Town of Cape Vincent
was recently made, aware that BP initiated a pre-– application process under
Article 10. Subsequently, the Town of Cape Vincent
submitted the following comments for the consideration by the PSC in their
review of BP's PIP.
The comments made by the
Town serve to remind us what path BP’s
development process has taken in Cape Vincent and it is not what BP put in their PIP but what they did not
include .
Excerpts from the letter written by the Town of Cape Vincent to the Public Service Commission.
In the 14 – page public involvement program
statement most of this document, pages 3 through 10, describe public
involvement efforts conducted prior to the adoption of article 10 rules. BP
introduces its past public involvement history with the statement," it is
necessary to understand the significant amount of public participation and
outreach already conducted in the SEQR proceedings for the individual projects.
BP" section 1001.2© of the article 10 rules suggesting the rules requires
a review of the public involvement efforts under SEQRA .in our reading of this
section, however, the rules do not require or even suggest outlining public
reading of this section, however the rules do not require or even suggest
outlining public involvement outside of, and which occurred several years prior
to, the commencement of the article 10 process. Rather, we read this section is
requiring the applicant to describe what measures it is presently taking, or
intends to take, during the article 10 public outreach. Prior to actually
submitting an article 10 application. Public involvement efforts, including
those required by SEQRA, that took five or more years have no legitimate value in
an Article X permitting process going forward under that law. Much has changed
since BP’s years old prior groundwork. Those earlier efforts are stale and have
lost their validity.
Additionally, BPs past history with Cape Vincent was
not as well received as they suggest in their PIP. BP's past efforts were well
received by town officials, but not the community as a whole, because many of
these officials have wind contractor were closely related to leaseholders of BP
and Acciona. While addressing these wind related matters, these former town
officials of wind leases were receiving money from wind companies. Because of
those past conflicts of interest the entire SEQRA process and public
involvement program by the wind industry was, at the very least, tainted. Most
of those conflicted officials have now been replaced, either through elections
or by new appointments. To underscore this point, BP failed to include in its
exhibits a Watertown Daily Times story dated August 14, 2010, state probing
officials said Cape, where the New York State Atty. Gen.'s office launched an
investigation into the relationship between Cape Vincent's municipal officials
and commercial wind developers . This investigation does not
support BP’s Assertion that they had a “strong track record of close community
engagement and outreach." On the contrary, it suggests a more than
questionable record of community involvement.
Much of what BP outlines in their exhibits occurred between BP and their leaseholders and not the general public or the town.
Moreover, little of the material listed in their exhibits was forwarded to the town.
None of it is currently in any count file; much of it was new to all of us. It was
obvious from the exhibits attached to their PIP that most of their past public
information efforts were directed at their leaseholder organization – Voters
for Wind (VFW). VFW information, however, was never accessible to the general
public, since membership was restricted to those who promise to support
industrial wind development. Non- wind supporters were told on VFW's website
they were not welcome.
Quantitatively, the majority of BPs past
public information program was a one – way communication. Their efforts were
directed more to telling us what they were going to do rather than a dialogue
where they were listening to community concerns .
Link here to read letter
Link here to read letter
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