Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tax paying resident of Cape Vincent, Writes to the Public Service Commission

Honorable Jaclyn A Brilling, Secretary
NYS Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment
3 Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12223

Honorable Jaclyn A Brilling,

I am a tax paying resident of Cape Vincent, NY which is located in one of the most scenic areas of our state-where the St Lawrence River joins Lake Ontario.  I am one of the many residents that have attempted to raise numerous concerns regarding any proposed industrial wind development in our town. To this date, NO COMPANY, including BP, which has submitted a  proposal to the Article X Siting Board, has addressed ANY of these concerns effectively for this town.
The submitted PIP ignores or dismisses issues such as:  
·         Electricity production from industrial wind farms is, at best, about 30% of capacity. What other source of electricity do we support with our tax money that has this low level of efficiency? Why continue to support this inefficient source?
·         Many studies in the past several years are now documenting the loss of property value for homes near wind turbines. BP has told us repeatedly (in their alleged  outreach program) "they do not accept these studies." Why would anyone deal with a company that totally denies new documented information that emerges? Cape Vincent is located on the shores of Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River - providing waterfront property that contributes about 75% of our tax base. Every realtor will tell you that waterfront property is more valuable since it is limited. Why would a town want to destroy their tax base? Again, BP in their "outreach program" tells us that those studies are wrong and this will not happen here.  In addition, waterfront properties here have already suffered a loss of value due to the Wolfe Island industrial wind farm complex(Canadian). This is about one mile from our town's shore on the opposite side of the St Lawrence River.
·         USA Today has described this area as the "second busiest" fly way for bird migration in our nation. Again, the BP outreach program has simply repeated that this is not a problem. However the Canadian Wolfe Island Project is publically documenting bird kills and reports them as much higher than predicted.  Adding more industrial wind turbines to this area is going to add to the bird, bat, raptor, eagles killed. Some of the wildlife that could be affected are on the endangered list. Where is the DEC on this issue?
·         BP completely ignored or dismissed the health issues, especially those associated with low frequency sound from turbine blades,  that we have raised over the last few years. Again, the answer is "this will not be a problem" and if it is for some people, we will have a complaint process. The last proposal for this idea that I saw gave the wind company the choice of people on the committee to evaluate complaints of any sound issues!  That is letting the wolf guard the chicken house!  "Flicker" from the shadows of the turbine blades is another issue related to health. Some wind companies have provided special curtains to home that are disturbed by this impact. Why should anyone have to live like that? Our state is being very careful to address the impact of fracking on health issues, where is the Department Of Health on the impact of turbine sound and shadow flicker on the health of people living close to turbines?
·         Tourism impact is another concern that BP dismisses by stating that since people still come to visit the area where they can see Wolfe Island turbines, that means there will be no impact on tourism.
Also, this Article X process requires the decision to allow this project to move forward to be made primarily by Albany officials. I believe that tells us that local decisions are either not important or we are not capable of making an informed decision on our own. I support home rule concept that has a long tradition in NYS. Our town has a Zoning Law and Comprehensive Plan that should be followed by any decision maker-locally or in Albany.  Approving this proposal to move forward will tell me that you support and accept the unethical actions taken by past Town Board and Planning Board members in cooperation with both BP and Acciona.

James Hill

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well said.... Lets keep the comments going to Albany....... Don't let up now !!!!!!