Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Question for BP's Chandler

October 23, The Cape Vincent and Lyme board members met with BP’s Project developer Richard Chandler for the first time. This was an intense 2 hour meeting. Both boards did an exemplary job, not only asking Chandler many important questions but also telling Chandler that they would be protecting our community from BP.

However there is one question that was not asked of Chandler,

When former project developer Peter Gross announced that he was leaving BP he stated that he was not sure which "landowners are getting the shaft..." 


Anonymous said...

I heard that he was also concerned about the information on the blogs.

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Blogger's Defense Fund
Box 8
Three Mile Bay, NY 13693

Anonymous said...

They had better not give me the shaft!

I want my money! I want my money, dammit!

Anonymous said...

The answer to Gross's interrogatory, all of us!