BP's new Cape Vincent wind farm website provides more legal notices, conditions, restrictions and
disclaimers than they do substantive information.
They state that the information contained in this website is not comprehensive. And it may not be accurate, up to date or
applicable to the circumstances of any particular case.
That being said they note
that any decisions you make based on any non comprehensive and inaccurate information
contained in their website is your sole responsibility… Neither BP America Inc.
or any of its subsidiaries accept liability for any direct, indirect, special,
consequential or other losses or damages of whatsoever kind arising out of
access to, or the use of this website or any information contained in it.
Cover you’re A$$ statement they fall back on is what they call Forward Looking
Statements-- Such statements reflect the views of BP as of the date made with
respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual
results may differ from those expressed in such statements.
After these reassuring words comes a warning about copyright laws,
you are responsible for obeying all applicable copyright laws. However they will permit you to download and
make copies of the map showing what they plan to do to your community for your
personal use as is reasonable for private purposes. All other use is strictly
Additionally, you may not
frame this site nor link to a page other than the home page without our express
Despite all your defensive self protective boiler plate language, anything you say can and will be used against you.
In other words, Bp will crush you.
Is it legal for me to call their website a complete crock of ....!"
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