Monday, December 10, 2012



BP held a Wind Work Shop December 6, 2012
After BP lawyer J. Harris gave his presentation he opened the floor to questions.
Concerned citizen Don Metzger asked an important question of Mr. Harris, however, Mr. Harris was unable to remember.
Below is a video of the exchange and transcript of Mr. Metzger and Mr. Harris’s exchange


Don Metzger : My last question. I think you can answer quickly, without dominating the meeting tonight. Did your entity, Mr. Harris, BP participate in the writing of this article 10?

John S. Harris: Um, I don't -- I don't know the answer to that, um, I -- I don't -- I think they may have submitted comments, on the article 10 siting law, but off the top of my head, I don't remember...

Don Metzger: Thank you sir.


Anonymous said...

Holy Crap, and my name isn't Rick Wiley!

Mr. Harris has been on-board with BP since they trotted into our little town. He's been their main-man even when Harris jumped ship from two different law firms (makes you think BP was more interested in Harris' marital relationship than his Case Western Reserve Law degree).

That means Harris was BP's main man when Gov Cuomo pulled his quickie legislative stuff job called Article 10. BP paid Carol Murphy and her coalition to lobby Cuomo over Article 10. We've seen a picture of the smiling Murphy standing behind Cuomo when he signed the infamous X law.

So, come on Harris fess up. Your company BP was funding an Albany lobbying group to push Article 10 through, it was critical to BP's interests for any project in New York, you were there and now you can't remember?

It was a bad night for Harris all around. When asked about his connections to the PSC he couldn't even remember that his wife was a commissioner - he missed that one too.

Anonymous said...

A lawyer who couldn't sleep at night because of wind turbine noise consulted her doctor.

"Which side is it best to lie on?" she asked

"The side that pays your fee," replied the doctor.

Anonymous said...

I think his hedging around the question speaks for itself.

And to think Cuomo ran on ethics.

Anonymous said...

In Watertown Cuomo screamed, "Ethics, Ethics, Ethics".

His head Agriculture guy was in the crowd.

A wind lease-contract signer...Oh how embarrassing!

Anonymous said...

Does any of this information get sent to Cuomo. I have emailed in the past with no reply.