Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm From BP and I'm Here to Help You...

Click image for more information...


Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting that BP will be the party held responsible to "educate" us on the Article X process.

What's wrong with this picture? The giant foreign energy corporation intent on destroying our town with it's massive wind complex with a process that will strip away your community and constitutional rights is the very one that is going to inform you how to participate in the very process where they will strip away your community rights. I guess if you are going to be stripped of your rights you certainly would want to be "educated" on how that is going to happen, and who better to "educate" you than the the very people who bought Cuomo and the NY legislature to stripping away your rights. Oh yes and make sure you provide those people with a nice comforatble venue such as our tax payer funded Rec Center to "educate" you.

Well at least we won't be groveling,hog tied and flogged in the mud as they "educate" us. We can always write another letter to the PSC begging for mercy!

Geee I don't there any other more absurd humiliating way we can lose our complete human and community diginity?

Ok sheep...the slaughter house is over this way so we can "educate" you on how you will be procssed.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the irony of having BP lecture us about how the State has taken away our home rule, we should all attend the Article 10 session and hear what BP has to say. When you are in a fight it pays to know your enemy and we should make use of every opportunity to know BP better.

Anonymous said...


Where have you been in the last 6 or 7 years? Exactly what do you think you are going to learn?
All you are doing is helping BP fullfill it PIP process.

When are in a war with your enemy it pays to not let them sucker you in to letting them tell you what the rules of the war are.

This is the day of the internet and the ability to research reams of information. Educate yourself on the Art X process for heaven's sake.

If the town boards or the opposition in this town have to at this point rely on BP to "educate" us on Art X, or yet fail to understand where BP is coming from as the enemy then we are in for more serious trouble than I thought.

NYS created Art X and took your rights away...essentially that is all you need to know, and then decide to participate and enable that process by being "educated" or get down to business reclaiming your rights. That is the seminar you should be attending, not this BP bullshit.

Anonymous said...

You know you will not get any true information at this event that is not readily available elsewhere.

That is not a reason for not attending. BP is conducting this event only so they can check a box (again) demonstrating that they have engaged in "public involvement."

They will check that box whether anybody shows up or not. They would probably prefer noboday came so they could pack up early and go home.

The reason for attending is so that we can give witness to the fact that BP's pretend public involvment is about nothing more than checking a box.

If you believe that BP's credibility or lack of it matters, then go to this thing and then tell your government what you came away with. If you believe that resistance if futile, then don't bother.

The process can lead to one result with opposition. Without opposition, the process will absolutely lead to a dreaded result. But the process isn't going away. There is no exit.

Anonymous said...

I will be more willing to attend the workshops if it weren't for the green shirts who act like thugs and private Bp policemen. Tell Bp to dress their charge like normal people and I might at least listen.

Anonymous said...

In August of this year, the town legally adopted a revised Comprehensive Plan, and a revised Zoning Law.

Both of theses documents clearly indicate the community's attitude and method of addressing industrial wind development.

I see no reason whatsoever to attend a worksession by a developer, who wants to educate me on how the state can overrule these legislated laws to their advantage.

This is not only ironic, it is idiotic and patronizingly foolish.

I would encourage anyone who wants to retain their sense of self esteem, to not attend this deprecating attempt by BP to humiliate this community.

Dave LaMora

Anonymous said...

The Article X regulations require the developer to explain the Article x process to the community.

I don't know why this is part of the law and regulations...but it is. I agree...BP is doing it for their checklist! Might want to compare what the regulations require and what is in the BP presentation.

You can check this out on the PSC website under Article X regulations.

Art Pundt said...


I agree but let me make an adjustment to your comment below.

"In August of this year, the town legally adopted a revised Comprehensive Plan, and a revised Zoning Law."

That may be true, but it was in ceremonial form only at this point. If you consider the town's willingness to go along with the Art X process, including this current BP informational event, then all they did was submit a detailed opinion, or shall we say a scoping statement like with SEQR as to what they consider the concerns about industrial wind energy in our community. At this point in the Art process that is all it is. It will now be the PSC and Art X that will determine what the final outcome of that law and comp plan will actually be. We don't have a solid law, we have a work in progress that we handed to the PSC and BP to take a wack at. The town is not defending their law under this system only by begging and pleading with the PSC to uphold it for them. And in doing so they willing handed the responsibility to defend our law over to third party arbitration or negotiation with BP through Art X. Instead of taking the uncomfortable steps to truly defend our law they put it up for grabs and for negotiation, with BP having significant input as to what the final law and comp plan will look like.

They turfed our zoning and comp plan to another political State process over which BP will have inordinate power($$$$) to influence.

The evidence that this is the case is simply in the repeated pleading communications with the PSC by the town officials and their supporters to the PSC to please please see it our way. If the law were actually ours, and we truly intended to defend it you don't beg and plead with a third party arbitator, and turf the responsibility of your law out to that a political third party to define it for you along with BP's influence.

Everybody go to this event if you want, but realize the context of what you are doing and what is happening to you. You are begging and pleading and negotiating for a law you gave away to BP. If I am wrong and you truly intend to defend our laws then there is not point to go and argue, or plead or discuss, or negotiate it further with BP.

That is absurd!

Anonymous said...

Art, if you have an opinion about my comment your entitled to it, but please don't make any "adjustments "to it.

Art said...


My's my opinion. Simply a poor choice of words. And keep in mind the dialogue above was not directed at you, it was directed at the followers of Art X.

Anonymous said...

Give it up...
you two guys don't even have the balls to put your name on a comment to the PSC in defense of your community. Blah, Blah, Blah