
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lyme has been “ignored,” “marginalized” by state and BP Wind Energy, officials say


  1. Anyone that believes that a Cape Vincent project would be a "285 megawatt" project is trusting everything they are told or everything they read as being true. If you are a believer then you probably believe that your car will do 180 miles per hour because the speedometer says so. Wind turbines are at best 25% efficient. Therefore, the actual output or a 285mw complex would be in the range of 71mw at best. By the time the power travels mega miles the line-loss is significant. It is a fact that power distribution lines (a power grid) do not exist in our portion of northern NY and probably will not in the forseeable future. If an adequate grid is constructed we (you and I-the taxpayers) will be forced to pony-up the bucks to build it because those poor power distributers just can't seem to convince their stockholders to invest any more of their own money. Also, the power distrubutors are forced to buy wind generated power at 7 times the cost of other types of power. Guess what that is gradually doing to your electric bill. Add to the above:
    Huge property value loss.
    Massive bird kills.
    Visual blight.
    TV, radar and other interference.
    Construction/maintenance blight.
    Loss of tourism.
    Loss of tillable land.

    I must admit there is one advantage:
    $$$ to 3.9% of the landowners and $$$ to a foreign corporation.

    Need I say anymore????

  2. You forgot to add that living under the threat of all this has destroyed the moral and social fabric of the residents. Lease holders have worked very hard to develop prejudice and hatred toward the seasonal residents who actually pay 65% of the taxes in the river and lake communities.


  3. This is a critical election year. The campaign should be dedicated to the summer residents who support us with their year round taxes. The republican party should work hard this year to turn out the seasonal vote and vote against anyone who supports Bp efforts to crush our community with their wind farm.
