Monday, January 14, 2013

Amid Further Lawsuits, A Federal Anti-SLAPP Law Is Sorely Needed

JANUARY 9, 2013 


Free speech has very strong protections in the United States. Not only do we have laws like CDA 230 that allow review sites like Yelp to exist, but we also have very strong defenses ingrained both in our Constitution and in our statutes. Unfortunately, there are aspects of the legal system that are easily abused; people too often use lawsuits to intimidate others and stifle their speech. 
 [Electronic frontier Foundation]


Anonymous said...

Can't the involvement of the ACLU and countersuits against individuals speaking against the rights of others change the direction? Wind in CV bred a lot of well documented social injustice and unethical conduct those stories can be told to the courts. Petitions that lied, public officials that lied, public intimidation, passing of illegal resolutions. And now the breeding of hatred for part time residents who prefer to vote here. There is much more for you to tell us and Cape Vincent will be listening. Good luck and thank you for you public voice.

Anonymous said...

There are grievances on both side of the coin, as said by both sides. There will never be a common thread to tie them together as one. The hatred will continue even after this is all settled, property even more after worth's. Why can't a energy company that builds Solar panels come to the North county and build solar panels instead wind towers. Has anyone ever looked into that idea or is everyone just against the construction of any large towers in our area. There has to be a happy medium some wheres that people can agree on. Lets try to bury the axe and work things out.

Anonymous said...

Bury the axe maybe. But the voter for wind and citizen for fair government passed a petition that was used to passed a illegal law. The people who did that should never be trusted in our government again. Intimidation thuggery, prejudice and greed should not be the legacy of a beautiful community that has the potential of the Cape and Lyme.

Anonymous said...

"There has to be a happy medium that people can agree on"!

Thats been the problem since day one- the greedy pro-wind wind advocates have never been willing to consider any compromise that would jeopardized their revenue stream. Still aren't!

You need to brush up on your horse trading skills. You think we were born yesterday?

Now that there is a chance they may lose it all, and the damage has been done to the social fabric of the community, you want to bury the hatchet, and find some compromise?

Industrial wind development is not worth compromising any of the qualities we value in this region.

Take your happy medium and stick it where the sun don't shine!!

Maybe come back with your proposal after BP has left town, you might have some grounds for healing then.

If they don't leave, its a done deal, this is a broken town that won't be fixed.

Anonymous said...

despite what start a business says the community wedge was not driven by a town board member free of conflicts of interest who was elected by the majority of legally registered.

the community feud was a result of wind and greed..period

as for SLAPP...look up the definition in a legal dictionary and you might find the word, "scumbags."

Anonymous said...

Holy crap!

Andy has risen to the point of being a dick-tator.

He done his Art. 10 to take away your land he is taking away the assault rifles...then he is going to jam the rest of the gun controls...guns for turbines...go Andy....Good bye

Anonymous said...

With a attitude like yours I can understand why.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that the New York State Commissioner of Agriculture lives in Cape Vincent is very pro wind and might be willing to give his town and neighbors away to Bp. He even tried to get his little boy elected. Hardly even came to town before but suddenly was showing up everywhere.

Anonymous said...

They may have been had by the Bp community activist.
The real outsiders in this

Anonymous said...

You are a joke, throw all your windies under the bus.

Anonymous said...

At some point all wind lease holders around the world get thrown under the bus...remember this is Bp who is using them to promote their project....have you ever wondered how the green shirts get paid for their "love."

Anonymous said...

When the law suit against the community comes to trial lots of witness will come to tell about what these bozos trided to do to us.

Anonymous said...

When the bp law suit against the community comes to trial lots of witness will come to tell about what these bozos trided to do to us.

Anonymous said...

When the bp law suit against the community comes to trial lots of witness will come to tell about what these bozos trided to do to us.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Why doesn't the town board members send out signals to other companies like a Solar panel company to build solar panels in the cape and lyne. Fight BP with another company to come in and give them some competition. May be they'll the hint and leave if there is a better deal on the market