Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wind industry big lies no 3: wind turbines are eco-friendly

This is indeed one of the great environmental scandals of our time. So why don't we hear about it more often? 

Of all the many lies put out by the subsidy-troughing scum-suckers of the wind industry and their greenie fellow travellers, the biggest porkie of the lot is this: that wind turbines are eco-friendly.
In order to believe this tosh, you'd first have to accept the warped view that being eco-friendly can legitimately entail wiping out millions of bats and birds. It is a measure of just how intellectually and morally corrupt Big Green has grown over the last few decades that many self-professed environmentalists actually cleave to this belief. Why else would they expend so much energy trying to defend – or distract from – the indefensible truth: that wind farms around the world are destroying rare species on an industrial scale?


Anonymous said...

Can you prove otherwise.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty obvious the industry can not prove otherwise, if for no other reason than the fact that would have done so already.

And wasn't it a government (pro-wind) study that said the kills on Wolfe Island (2 miles from the proposed Cape Project), were SEVEN times the industry standard?

The industry is starting to have a really tough time with this. And so are a lot of people that formally thought that wind was a good idea...

Anonymous said...

"formally thought that wind was a good idea..."

That is a very good thought. It would seem that even the PSC people would be making the discovery that industrial wind is not healthy for humans and wildlife.
Lately, we have been seeing eagles in Cape Vincent. And of course is is one of the best areas fro raptures and indiana bats.

Anonymous said...

Prove otherwise, Yes those eagles will make good targets flying over the St Lawrence searching for food. I don't usually miss my targets. Too bad you can't protect them.