Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Judge recommends dismissal of Galloo Island wind farm connection request


Anonymous said...

I'll say it again:

Good news and the right ruling by the administrative law judge.

The rationale used by the judge here already applies to BP's longstanding proposal for Cape Vincent. For over half a decade BP has held a game changing sword over the neck of Cape Vincent, slowly and menacingly waving it back and forth.

The shadow cast by that sword has adversely affected what would have been economically advantageous activity, held in abeyance until the wind issue is resolved. How many home building and home purchase decisions have been put off or diverted elsewhere - not knowing if the town would one day be dominated by a massive wind farm?

How much personal energy and attention of so many people has been diverted from other possible useful and productive activity because of the looming and ever-present specter of the wind project?

BP is proceeding at its own pace, only concerned with its own needs. The preliminary Article 10 stages they are in have no hard deadlines. They can take their sweet time, dragging their feet hoping for improvement in Washington for the subsidy and tax credit opportunities so critical to the balance sheet needed to make financial sense of their presence in CV.

BP will not be rushed into a bad deal. They will wait and circle over the town like vultures waiting for a moment that suits them.

The Galloo project was a youngster compared to what Cape residents have been enduring.

At some point judicial authorities should be required to deal with the question of for how long, for how much longer, BP should be allowed to cast a giant debilitating shadow over Cape Vincent.

Anonymous said...

Do you think bp and their local gang green really give a s*@t about Lyme and Cape? As long as they are paid. And by the way, don't fall for all that talk of healing. Phony!

Anonymous said...

Viability- the ability of a living organism, artificial system ,or idea/concept to maintain itself and recover its potentialities.

Lack of viability- a perfect qualitative description of industrial wind projects.

Thank you Judge Cassuto.