Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Windmills’ legacy in Cape Vincent

Initially  the letter below was circulated around town .
 The writer then presented it to the Town of Cape Vincent Town Board . 
Today it has been published by the Watertown Times in their letters from the people.  


I have been living in Cape Vincent for almost 18 years now. I moved here because I thought the Cape was beautiful, the fishing was great and, most of all, the people. It seemed as though I was stepping back in time. I had been living in the city for 18 years and forgotten what it was like living in a small town. The day I moved in, the neighbor came over with a salad just to be nice. I remember asking her what she wanted, being used to living in the city. I thought then what better place to call home.
Now after going through many different issues including the village park, we come to the windmills. They have put neighbor against neighbor and removed our town government. Now, what we are left with are people, both pro and anti, who hate each other because of them. I at first thought the windmills were the problem, but I think I’m wrong. The problem is not the windmills, but the people.[Watertown Times]


Anonymous said...

I believe this letter is a trojan horse sent by Bp, Trieste, and Voters for Wind. Open it up and you will find 124 turbines.

Anonymous said...

There are some truths and some untruths in this letter.

first of all we did not remove the town government- we removed the illegal bias that was prevalent on every official board. We have improved, not removed our government.

second, it is true , to a certain extent ,as Mr. Pearson claims that it is the people, not the windmills that are the problem. People such as Marion Trieste and every unthinking fool who has blindly accepted her propaganda ,much like rats followling th pied piper.

Anonymous said...

The justification for blaming the Cape Vincent people who are the victims of the ugliness brought to you by wind is particularly absurd and reprehensible because it flies in the face of a simple fact. Industrial wind destroys the social makeup of a community by the very nature of its potential to take over your entire community.

Why is the author of this letter so ready to blame the victims of wind for the problems brought by wind developers and leaseholders?  

The answer is simple; it is a convenient form of social denial.

Some people prefer blaming victims over taking responsibility for confronting the real issue.  It is much easier, for example, to blame someone in poverty for laziness, than to accept responsibility to find the true causes of economic inequities, much less take action to correct them.

Greed is a perfectly normal human trait. Some know how to cope with it without lashing out at others. Some know how to cast their greed aside and still maintain integrity. Some do not.

Put the blame of the Cape Vincent wind greed and the social problems it brought to your community right where it belongs. With the developers who brought you the wind.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. It's a ridiculous letter.

Anonymous said...

Why do you turn everything into hate opposition against windmills. The word was that people against windmills didn't hate people. Right.

Anonymous said...

I am pro Cape and I did not come down with yesterday's rain.

Anonymous said...

Don't believe it. Nothing to do with healing. Its all about their wind.

Anonymous said...

You know that person who goes by Start a Business in CV and is always goading anti wind and spewing hatred?

He actually said this:

“In Albany, Cape Vincent is now officially synonymous with severe idiocy, because of the jaw-dropping ignorance of Cape's anti-wind.”
Like Janet Radley was quoted as saying, “Nobody is happy with article ten.” But that is no reason to insult our professional and elected officials in Albany. I can’t imagine one person working in Albany who would say such a thing about any people in their State. I hope our Ag. head didn’t start spreading that kind of lunacy around town.
As for Start a Business in CV, what a pathetic way to “engage the community”.
And Sadly, it is very likely that Start a Business is working in an official capacity or with permission from people involved in bp’s outreach.

Anonymous said...

and you say the green shirts are the negative ones. That statement sounds pretty negative to me. Great letter even if you can't stomach it. I bet you taste that vomit in your mouth don't you?

Anonymous said...

9:21, Let me get it clear, are you asserting that the developers and the leaseholders are the only ones responsible for the rift in Cape vincent? It really is not that simple.

Almost four hundred people voted for Harvey White when he ran for supervisor. Over four hundred voted for Marty Mason to be returned as town councilman, ditto for Don Mason.

We can blame the predatory nature of wind developers for bringing this insidious process to our town, but we cannot blame them for the reception they received from the "perfectly normal " leaseholders, and voters for wind who pushed aside principle after principle and let greed take over as their guiding tenet.

Its one thing to support an idea or concept, it is quite another to relinguish the basic principles of society in order to force it to fruition .

It has been a shocking revelation to witness the weakness of character displayed by a good portion of this community in support of industrial wind power, especially those willing to turn a blind eye to actual corruption,and lack of ethics in government.

Anonymous said...

10:36 said:

What amazes me is that they voted for the Masons after they put the town in jeopardy with the passing of an illegal voter law. Do you think this might confirm Marion Trieste's observation that what we have here is a little Appalachia? Are they feeding off a basic ignorance of democratic and ethical principles. Follow the career of Darrell Aubertine for example. A Democratic leader in the Cape told the press that they are doing a good job even if they do have conflicts of interest. How do you overcome that kind of ignorance?

Anonymous said...

I was at a town meeting once when a wind lease councilman went after the blogs calling them half truths. Isn't this kinda like the devil telling us not to read the bible?

Anonymous said...

Anon above said.....

"The word was that people against windmills didn't hate people. Right." That is correct. It was pro wind that brought hate into the discussions.

My theory.

The community organizer knew full well that the community was divided and it was going to be hard to do business here. So she started telling her green shirts that people from New Jersey, Long Island, out of state, etc. will not want wind because they are selfish and only care for their cottages. (words used by a supervisor that got kicked out) Free meals and pizza wet their appetite with promises of more to come.

So she helped flame the prejudice against seasonals and outsiders. Suddenly the outsiders even became people living here all their lives and not wanting wind. So now pro wind prejudiced against outsiders has outreached town meetings, newspapers, and even community forums like those at JCC.

You see, now the community organizer then rubs her hands in evil and says. Good. We done the hate necessary to make out the outsiders out to be real bad and make it look like bloggers are the problem and spreading the hate. There is bad information on those blogs and you must do something about it.

Now what we will do is accuse the outsiders of doing the hate and make them responsible for doing the healing.

So we get a letter done. Very clever they gotta read it a bunch of times to figure out what it really says. But this is little Appalachia, right? Some don't read, they ask others what it says.

I believe the whole issue of hate and healing is nothing more that a red herring thrown out to the community by pro wind who are under the spell of very evil forces. The community organizer is losing the battle of information.


Just a theory. But what the hell do I know? I live in a little Appalachia and have never tasted Starbuck Coffee.

Anonymous said...

I think the Ag commissioner wreaks of self interest. I sometimes wonder if he is using the resources of his state office to serve himself, his extended family and others in the Cape Vincent land use battle and the water district 2 problem. Read about his attitude toward water district 2, for example. It sounds to me like he has no respect for municipal law or the people those laws are suppose to protect.

Anonymous said...


It appears that the assault on the right to apply land use laws might be a tool of the greedy leaseholders. The chairman of Citizens for Fair Government Chairman who is also a Voter for Wind spokesperson has presented to the town board a supermajority petition by landowners owing 20% of the land. To me this is just another effort to stick it to the neighbors and the community.