Friday, March 1, 2013

BP submits spreadsheet of PIP activities ~to the PSC


Anonymous said...

After actually watching Bp engage with our communities all these years and then reading this, a little bit of vomit rose up into my throat.

Stay Focused said...

Seems like BP has a very narrow and and self-serving idea of who and what constitutes a stakeholder.

Proper stakeholders in this proposed extravaganza are region wide - not just local to CV or Lyme.

Anonymous said...

12:54- You really should take care of your acid reflux condition,sounds like it could be serious. Might even want to consider an endoscopy.

I know its been exascerbated by this horrible wind development/ gov.ethics crisis we've been dealing with, but regardless I'm concerned for your health. I imagine you aren't willing to pull up stakes and move away, hopefully it'll all end someday and you can go back to vomitless days.

Anonymous said...

Go to the PSC website and look at the input. It extents out further than your town.

Stay Focused said...

5:23 PM wrote:

Go to the PSC website and look at the input. It extents out further than your town."

Really? You think so? Any out of town outreach has been very carefully selected and very limited.

Where is the outreach to Wolfe Island, Clayton, Brownville, the area chambers of commerce, the area tourism promotion and environmental advocacy organizations, the real estate professionals?

This spreadsheet is a sham and the fact of that will be amply demonstrated. The needle on the BS meter is buried past the redline and smoking.

Anonymous said...

I can see why Chandler needs glasses.

BP's summary of pubic involvement activities is a joke.

For example, at the end the list under ongoing activities Chandler says his open house was "educational and inspirational."

To call BP's open house inspirational and at the same time to summarize the October 22, 2012 meeting with town officials by saying they asked questions is hilarious.

BP got raked over the coals and they were severely criticized for a project that was totally inappropriate for Cape Vincent.

Trying to understand the logic behind Chandler and BP's myopic view of events can only be explained by the opening comment from the Cape's planning board chairman at the October meeting, "What planet on you from!" Or, perhaps Chandler needs new glasses.

Anonymous said...

303Lets get serious about the November election.
Harvey White - Supervisor
Since last election Harvey has proven mistakes were made. Hirscey will retire. An obvisous choice will be Harvey.
Denis Pearson - Board member
Denis has been a business leader getting it done. A recent well done solutions to bring us together proved it. He will do it.
Janet Radley - Clerk
She has been there for us. All the meetings . Knows the inside outs and provides the answers.