
Monday, April 22, 2013

Cape Vincent resident tells the Public Service Commission that ~ The PSS is comprised of very technical and in-depth studies

Date: 04/19/2013 08:21 PM
Subject: comments for PSS Case 12-F-0410
Case 12-F-0410

The PSS is comprised of very technical and in-depth studies which examines the feasibility of the
wind project in Cape Vincent. These studies clearly have depicted the positive and negative
impacts on our community. After reviewing the PSS I believe it is clear that the recompense of this
project is more significant for our community than the nominal detriment. The Article X process and requirement of the PSS has solidified the fact that the community is interested in this project. BP would not have been able to draft their PSS if Cape Vincent did not want a wind project developed in their community. The studies were conducted due to the amount of land that Cape Vincent property owners were willing to commit to the project. Jointly they continue to have such interest and BP was able to compile an array of towers that make up a sound project for their interest as well as that of the contract holders of Cape Vincent. Due to the results of these studies BP and Cape Vincent

From: "Frank J. Giaquinto"


  1. Another leaseholder weighs in.

  2. The DEC and the Dept. of Public Service has submitted nearly two hundred pages of highly technical information that tells lease holder Frank Giaquinto that he is just flat out wrong.
    In fact, they go so far as to say that Frank's claim of in depth study was done on much smaller and different equipment and recommend that all of the old work must be done over again. Sh*t, Bp could not even come up with the correct map with all the new buildings added to town since 1960.
    The other State agencies have agreed with the Town of Cape Vincent officials at the same time Frank and the other green shirts have tried to undermine their efforts to protect the health, safety and welfare of all of the citizens.

  3. Apparently a group of lease holders made comments before Save the River, DEC, DANC, and PSC ripped B/P's inadequate documentation apart.


  5. Hey Frank, you're full of horsepoop. You were satisfied with the work Edsall had done even without the SEQR review by Acciona. You wouldn't know an in -depth study if it jumped up and bit you in your scrawny ass.

    any study would pass your muster if it meant money in your grubby pocket.

  6. Why wouldn't you be pleased with the BP PSS, Frank? Being one of the leaseholders who begged the State to take control of this process, you're damned well expected to make a positive comment. You payed your due,what a line of patronizing drivel.

    Did you even read the PSS ,or did you give it the Tom Reinbeck, George Mingle four minute scan?

  7. I want my money! I want my money, dammit!

  8. Why can't any of these leaseholders be honest and say they want the project because they would make money. I could respect that. But to fake it and make believe is laughable. I bet a bottle of body wash that these leaseholders have no clue what is even in the scoping other than their own turbines.

  9. You're exactly right 7:48. These phony leaseholders posing as wind approving environmentalists have always made me sick.

    Maybe Frank will take you up on the body wash bet though.
