
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Department of Public Service Comments to BP's PSS ~

Section 2.6 Wind Power Facilities (1001.6 Exhibit 6: Wind Power Facilities) (pp. 37-41)

1. The PSS at Section 2.6.1 (a) does not address New York State Public Service Commission (NYS PSC) requirements for wind turbine setback from electric transmission facilities. The project layout as depicted in PSS at Exhibit A indicates turbine facilities are proposed for sites relatively close to the proposed 115 kV electric transmission line and the associated collection substation. Staff advises that the NYS PSC policy for wind turbine facilities in proximity to electric transmission facilities should be addressed in developing facility layout and identifying relevant setback criteria. The PSC has established a setback baseline of 1.5 times maximum turbine blade tip height from the edge of the right of way of any electric transmission (or substation facility) designed to operate at 115 kV or more.2 Staff advises that the project layout in the application should reflect this siting setback limitation, and that the application state the design setback distance proposed for turbine(s) near the proposed substation or transmission facility.

 Sec. 2.6.1 Setback Requirements and/or Recommendations- Applicant Specifications

2. Noise studies should be conducted pursuant to Town of Cape Vincent Zoning Law Section 6.7 and any noise mitigation plans must be submitted along with the application.

3. The PSS states that the “setbacks for the combined project meet or exceed the setbacks held by the previously proposed SLWF and CVWEP.” The application should include a table of the setbacks (include an explanation of the rationale for the setback distances) for all turbines from roads, public places, occupied and non-occupied structures, electric and gas transmission lines for the previously proposed and the newly proposed wind project, as required or recommended by the manufacturer‟s specifications, the applicant, and any local ordinance or law. If any manufacturer‟s recommended setbacks cannot be achieved, the reasons should be stated in the application.

4. Provide any reports and studies regarding noise level, infrasound, and shadow flicker to nearby dwellings.
5. For any turbine model being considered by the applicant, provide a copy of the manufacturer‟s standards document that provides recommended setback distances.

Section 2.6.2 Accommodation Setbacks Requirements and/or Recommendations

6. Applicant should report results of consultation with turbine manufacturer(s), indicating manufacturer recommendations for turbine setbacks from roads, residences, structures, places of public assembly, and other criteria locations. Written confirmation of manufacturer recommendations should be submitted along with the application.

7. Five full size maps showing the location of the wind turbines with respect to Town of Cape Vincent zoning Law Sec. 10 (from property lines, dwelling places, structures, transmission lines, gas lines, roads, etc.) must be submitted with the application.  

Link below to read PSC comments

Department of Public Service Comments to BP's PSS


  1. For all of you who are celebrating because you think the PSC has severely rebuked BP, note that the PSC does not say that any local laws will be supported by the review board, rather they simply state that BP must identify which laws they would like to be supplanted and why.

    Lets keep it real, we are still at the mercy of the state,regardless of how much we try to get on their good side.

  2. Thanks for remaining optimistic Mr. Lamora.
