
Friday, April 19, 2013

DEPT. of Agriculture & Markets comments to PSC ~ Re: BP PSS

To read this document in the Scribd format link below

  Agriculture and Markets Comments to the PSC _Re BP _PSS


  1. This is Darrel's man. I doubt he read the whole thing.
    Ag an Markets has little respect for anything other than their own dwindling group of welfare queens. Darell was one of the first to sell out the Cape by signing leases. He refused to divulge his lease money while running for office. He supported lax rules on bilge cleaning of ocean ships. He supports loss of home rule. Is opposed to local zoning. He supported conflicts of interest by local officials. He named us Energy Valley. He claims he is a dairy farmer and now thinks New York State is Yogurts Silicon Valley. He wants to take back Cape Vincent and give it to the State. He is trying to get his son elected to town government so he can turn the town offices into a permanent pro wind kegger. Time for Cuomo to dump Cape Vincent's biggest embarrassment.

  2. Aubertine is not a diary farmer. Good God people wake up!

  3. Hey 11:11 You wonder why this blog is being sued, it's because the statements you made. Some are true, but most are false and you're blowing smoke up your cronies asses. You deserve to have your home sales reduced to nothing. I hope that you rot in hell over these statements. Thank you for being a jerk.

  4. 4:37 how about you tell us which ones are false? I've been around awhile,they all sounded true to me,and I'm nobody's crony.

  5. Considering that BP refers to Cape vincent as primarily agricultural land, and that BP is proposing transforming the entire township into an industrial energy wasteland, one would think the AG and Markets Dept. would have more concerns than expressed in this dismal list presented by Cuomo's favorite lapdog,Aubertine.

    Looks like the awarding of political favors has paid off for the Governor.

    "Cape Vincent's biggest dissapointment" is a truism indeed.

    Can't see Cuomo dumping him though, not when he comes through for him so well.

  6. All of the state agencies with more to come have expressed grave concerns about the weakness of the Bee Pee PSS.
    Leave it to the airheads at the Ag and Markets to overlook the real issues and see it as just another cash cow to be milked. 11:11 left out many other Aubertine debacles like hiring his sister and thinking he could head the NYPA...He was beat at the senator position and many believe it was about his wind ethics and selling out on the Thousand Islands.

  7. Hey, don't be so hard on D.A., he's got a lot on his mind- like how to keep the town from preventing him from getting illegal water to supply his cattle operation out in District no.2.

    What a paragon of high ethical standards for the State's thousands of farmers under his leadership.

  8. Oh yes..I forgot to mention Darrel's illegal water operation. Sorry.
