Thursday, May 2, 2013

Clayton ~ Emails revealed

May 1, 2013

Letter to the editor

Emails revealed

In 2008 Clayton Town Supervisor Justin Taylor handpicked 10 upstanding Clayton citizens to serve on a Citizens Wind Committee to look at the then existing industrial wind law that had originally been supplied by Iberdrola.  All 10 committee members voted unanimously to change our local wind law to protect the nonparticipating neighbors.

The recommendations were accepted by the Clayton Town Board, but when we attempted to change our bad wind laws, Justin Taylor strongly blocked our efforts. So the wind committee's recommendations were never followed.

Recently Justin Taylor's emails were foiled and they clearly show that he and Bud Baril have been meeting with the Iberdrola developer but not disclosing this at meetings when asked about wind activity.

One of the emails talks about another Iberdrola representative who met with Clayton’s zoning officer.  Justin Taylor has also been receiving information pertaining to Article X from the developer's lawyer.

Justin Taylor seems to forget that he works for the health and safety of the citizens of Clayton and not a foreign-owned company.

The Clayton town meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 5 p.m. in the bottom of the opera house. Come if you don't want to drive through the miles and miles of industrial wind turbines almost 500 feet tall. The developer wants to start construction in 2015.

We are now taping these town meetings and they can be viewed at The next meeting is May 8 at 5 p.m.

Cindy Grant



Anonymous said...

One of the most startling revelations to come from these exposed e-mails, is that a town supervisor requests information about "stakeholders and intervenor funds" from the developer.

There is no doubt to be had, the tone of these communications indicate complete co-operation(even encouragement) by the Town of Clayton supervisor. Obvious reference to "Kevin" as a possible ad hoc member is grosse,and cause for concern over the supervisor's judgement.

Time to wake up Clayton residents!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ms. Grant.

I believe Justin Taylor has been trying to make you out (and the bloggers) as nothing more than nut jobs.

You have been right all along by what often appears to be devious behavior. Some would even call it a very well planned coverup and witholding of information to the public while at the same time being cozy with Jenny and Iberdrola.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world or wind. So when is Justin up for re-election. It's the only way to show him what the majority of the town wants. Good luck Justin. You're going to need it.

Anonymous said...

This guy Taylor has to be one dumb person.I own land in the town of Clayton.What is his agenda? Sweet Jenny?How did this man ever get elected to be Town Supervisor? This man is ignorant of his duties.He is there to represent all tax payers, not just sweet Jenny.Is he on the money trail?If he is dumb enough to put all of this shit on e-mails he does not belong anywhere representing voters. Jenny ,lets have coffee,cut me a break,get out of here are over your head.Lets have coffee at the Crystal Jenny, really , Taylor she is working you like a yo-yo

Anonymous said...

Every time I think of Justin and Jenny sipping coffee in a booth at the Crystal a little vomit rises into my throat.

Anonymous said...

Is this Jenny babe hot? Is there a Mrs Taylor? does she know her husband is "courtin wind" at Jenny's "favourite" spot?

Anonymous said...

Stay classy, folks. If coffee and (as over on JLL) smiley faces are the smoking gun for intimate (or VERY intimate, as 12:21AM insinuates) relationships, you people need to get out more.

Aren't some of these FOILers the same people that threw a hissy-fit when they talked of putting cell phone towers up years ago, and sit in Town meetings and read the paper instead of paying attention to what's being said?