
Thursday, June 27, 2013

BP to Clayton officials: Cape Vincent Wind Farm would be visible from river


  1. Chandler got the biggest bunch of snickers from the audience by saying there is widespread support for contaminating the St. Lawrence River viewshed with 124 industrial turbines. He was talking to the wrong bunch of stakeholders. The Clayton boards know that the River is is the heart and soul of this region and no one wants BP or any other developer messin' with what we all consider an invaluable resource.

  2. Honeywell's question about why not moving the project back five miles is a giveaway to how the Clayton boards view the Horse Creek Project in Clayton- it's out of view of the river, therefore acceptable.

    Assume for a minute that five miles would be an adequate setback to mitigate the viewshed(which we all know is hardly true), the Cape Vincent zoning Law has a setback restriction of only two miles from the River, and its intent is to mitigate property value loss, not protect the view from the River.

    Strange to hear Clayton officials(who appear to approve a sizeable project in their town) suggesting a setback to protect viewshed, while Cape Vincent officials( who appear to not approve a project in their town) have no setback to protect viewshed.

  3. "Chandler suggested that the company does not consider that alternative an option at this stage. “We’re kind of at the point where the company wants to move forward,”

    Well, gee, Mr. Chandler we wouldn't want to slow down your company's forward progress, now would we.

    What an arrogant corporate dick!

  4. Chandler and BP continue to thumb their noses at the communities and the Public Service Commission by faking their way through the PIP and PSS process. They would not have provided the little bit of information they have provided if it were not that they have been forced to. Our Public Service Commission seems to be doing it's best to smoke BP out of their veil of secrecy. Let's hope that continues. Clayton residents and their Town Board are about 5 years behind on learning much of anything about the horrors of big wind. It will be interesting to see how big wind in Clayton shakes out when the heavy hitters of the area come out of their closets.

  5. So why were people there from Hammond, Lyme and Cape Vincent?

    Because they have been around the block with many different Chandler types, going way back in time.

    The Clayton Town Board is just getting their feet wet with public scrutiny of these projects because Justin has done a very good job at preventing citizens from coming forth.

    As for the Bp open house events, I believe that people are scared to go into the Bp office open houses because of the wind thugs who hover around Chandler and Trieste during those events. It looks like Trieste's and Chandler's pro wind supporters are out of control with their anger and verbal attacks.

    Community engagement? Or, Community thuggery?

    Justin Taylor told the people to go to the Cape if they wanted to ask questions.

  6. I felt bad for Maz last night. She looked worn and haggard with a blank stare and no eye contact. Could it be that the wedge driving style of community engagement being conducted by her angry Little Appalachians is wearing her down?

  7. "Felt bad for Maz!"

    Yeah ,I feel bad for Maz. too, bad that she ever came around these parts.

    Don't like to be callous, but if anyone deserves to be worn and haggard it would be her. She's a fraud and a pimp for the wind industry.

  8. Why would anyone give such a simpleminded answer like Chandler's?
    I guess that's the only kind he knows.
