Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Power up

 Wind power generation will not do the job — primarily because it is a very expensive alternative that depends upon continual windy days and nights.
Watertown Times Editorial


The first hot summer weather has arrived, and the sudden pools of perspiration making sleeping uncomfortable spur the use of air conditioning. The demand for electricity rises along with the temperature, exposing one of New York state’s great vulnerabilities — an inadequate supply of electricity and an antiquated distribution system.
New York’s electric supply has taken a hit this last year. Hurricane Sandy cost New York 1,000 megawatts of less daily capacity this summer than last summer. That is enough power to supply a million homes. Sandy so severely damaged a 500-megawatt power plant in Newburgh that its owners simply shut the facility down rather than refurbishing it.  Continue...[Watertown Times]


Anonymous said...

Many of us have been wishing the Times would take a stand on wind in New York. Finally! Why did it take so long for them to realize what many anti-wind proponents realized at the start - wind will never even be a good band-aid. You cannot stop factories and businesses from operating just because the wind stops blowing.

The Times also sees the importance of natural gas to a immediate future energy needs. An issue that no one wants to consider, however, is if New York moves ahead to extract natural gas, which it should approve with the most restrictive safeguards in the nation, will the state sanction the sale of this gas for the sake of immediate profit or will law-makers consider imposing restrictions on gas use so that future New Yorkers will have a viable, long-term energy source.

Anonymous said...

Well - what do you know! The WDT speaks! Getting harder to duck the facts.