
Friday, June 21, 2013

Town of Cape Vincent Town Board meeting 6/20/2013 Privilege of the floor Videos


  1. It is my understanding that Mr. Ebbing has talked to Justin Taylor at length on issues of sound and visual impact. Taylor has show no interest yet is very cozy with Jenny. No public official turns against it own when it come to cooperate exploitation. My opinion of course based on history. Justin is no Mother Teresa.

  2. I'm not sure what Paul Mason was asking for, does he want some of the Roxy hole (opps) hotel money?

  3. Pray for Paul. It appears he is a victim of the wind company who may be taking advantage of his Little Applachia greed and ignorance.

  4. Paul, Paul,Paul! My gosh, do you really expect any Cape Vincent town officials to give a shit about your business after the crap you have said to them? What a fool!

    Incidentally, any business venture that can afford to invest in modern day robotics, most likely would rather not have a comfortably retired stockholder begging for public handouts at town board meetings. Especially with the rancor displayed by Paul. must be embarrassing for the farm owners. tch.,tch.

  5. After viewing the video, I went to the Cape Vincent Chamber of Commerce business listings. Under Agri-Business I find Meadow Lawn Alpacas, T.I. Goat Farm, The Cape Winery. Thank you to them for supporting the Cape Vincent business community.
    The children always enjoy Donnie's participation and I enjoy the new Cape wine.

    But, that is it, that is all the listings for the Town of Cape Agri-businesses. Three listings for Cape farms.
    One for an A-Bay Winery.

    No Wood farms
    No Paul Mason farm
    No Mr. Fixit farm eggs and handy man services.

    Geeeze Paul, don't you ever think before you put your manure spreader in gear? And Fixit, there are rules about permitting that must be followed for our safety and to prevent houses from blowing down.

    Why do you Bp promoters continue to divide the community with your spewing of ill will?After

  6. What can you say to a greedy old leaseholder with a new house, state of the art farm, and still crying poverty.
    A pathetic individual.

  7. Cool beans.

    Mr. Mason gave the bloggers permission to have a ball and go ahead, we will read about it tomorrow. I would like to take this as permission to call Paul an old stinky pants.

  8. Pablo era uno de los demandantes que no SLAPP (sigla en un intento de apagar a la opinión pública BP proyecto. Que harían de él un perdedor. Es también uno de los formuladores de la temporada movimiento de derechos civiles. Que harían de él un bigot.


  9. Yes... milk is Mother Nature's "perfect food" ...for a calf... until it is weaned.

    Everything you know about cow's milk and dairy is probably part of a Dairy industry MYTH.

    Wind is not an agriculture product. It is a scam pulled upon farmers who are willing to sell out their neighbors for a few bucks.

  10. One of the advantages of the new code enforcement officer to to make sure all projects are permitted and safe. I wonder if that is REALLY what the Fixet guy is worried about. Because he during a hearing on codes said he was against all of it.

  11. I want my money! I want my money, dammit!

  12. If you go to page 60 of the Joint Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Cape Vincent you can read what this Town Board said in their Five-Year Plan for Economic Growth:

    "Support farm modernization and expansion."

    The lead role in the effort was assigned to Marty Mason and the Wladis Law firm.

    Furthermore, this is what the Town Board said about the future of agriculture in Cape Vincent on page 19 of the Comprehensive Plan:

    "However, whatever future
    direction farming moves toward, the Town should recognize the very important role agriculture
    plays in our local economy and provide continued support to its farm community."

    I think Paul Mason had an axe to grind that had nothing to do with Town Board members visiting his farm, in addition to which he probably never offered an invitation.

    Paul is obviously pissed over wind. End of story.

  13. No White farm is a member of the C of C either...

  14. Es ist stumm für diesen Mann zu denken, dass Bp und Windmühlen sein Freund sind. Sie sind nicht und er wird von ihnen getäuscht werden. Dieser Mann sollte zu Hause bleiben und soll Titten auf rinder ziehen und soll den Dung in die Felder ausbreiten.

  15. It is time for Marion Trieste to get control over the bitter people she has created in the town. Please.

  16. Mr. Fixit will lose his dumb-ass fight against having a Code Officer, because the whole town knows Mr. Fixit would not have lost the top of his house in a wind storm if it had been properly inspected and was up to code.

    Bud Constance has never welcomed this town board to the fire hall. If they had gone he would have been the first to tell them to get the hell out. He should be reminded that the Hirschey board has provided the highest level of funding support of any previous town board.

    Paul Mason may have had a coronary over the board not coming to visit his farm, but without an invite the board would probably have been shot if they had tried to attend an open house. Please Mr. Mason, you have never said a welcoming thing in three years to this board, yet you really expect them to come to your farm for an unsolicited visit.

    All three of these numbskulls are nothing more than numbskulls.

  17. Until the election of Hirschey and Bragdon, the town government of Cape vincent has never fully endorsed the concept of zoning. Thus the myriad of issues that have plaqued the community for some time.

  18. The whole west end of the village had to put up with the Fixit debris. He never once stopped by my property to help pick up the insulation blown around

  19. Please pray for Mr. Fixit. For he has turned against us and needs our forgiveness.

  20. Before you make judgement, please, please remember that Bud Constance is not an official spokesman for the Cape Eagles. He was out of line by joining Fixit and Mason in more splitting the community. Let's hold the fire Dept. together regardless of Bud's thuggery.

  21. 8:29 It would behoove the Cape Eagles to make your assertion public, and I don't mean just mentioning it on any blogs. Comments like those delivered by Bud Constance in a very public forum are damaging to the core of this community.

    The fire dept. would be remiss to not respond to this charge.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I agree with that, 11;12

    The FD is my family's biggest donation of the year. I do that because the town is supportive and has improved their support as well.
    I have the highest regard for the FD and am very disappointed in what Constance is saying on behalf of the FD. Did you know that he then publicly called people in the room a bunch of idiots. It was on an audio recording and he was teamed up with Dennis Pearson of Gary King's Citizens for Fair Government. The CFG meets before the town meetings to decide on what attack to use next on the town government at the meeting. It looked like it was Bud's job to do FD dirty work in support of the organization (CFG) that is attacking the legal voting rights of the seasonals who support our FD.

  24. Mr. Constance, when you insult the supporters of your public service organization,who are the very lifeblood of that organization, by calling them idiots because they differ with you on an issue totally unrelated to the function of your organization, I ask- who is the real idiot ?

    I ask the FD-why did you allow this person to speak for your organization without an immediate denial of his message?

    Has wind brought us to this?

    How can anyone of good conscience contemplate a continued effort to promote the destruction of community values, brought on by this heinous development.

    What will be left of any value when the dust settles?

  25. Constance is dangerous. He has intimidated people for years with his swearing and threats. The FD should reign him in and Bp and Trieste should reign him in. If Dennis wants to heal the community he should ask Bud to apologize for his community splitting actions.
