The residents of Cape Vincent were celebrating their independence as a free nation.
We the people of ~ Cape Vincent are now at a point where we are all participants in an important historical time, please read these pages, and know that we can change the course of history, next year Cape Vincent could be celebrating its independence from
To read the complete Historical Sketch of Cape Vincent dated 1876 click mouse here

Link here to read the Declaration of Independence
Be free of BP
BP's local support group the CFG are very angry because they are not sure if the PSC will let them get their money. The CFG anger might drive them to do anything to anybody who stands in their way. Make sure you are registered to vote in Cape Vincent because that is the only chance you have to prevent the Cape from rolling over to BP.
Let Freedom Ring.....Send BP home.
In 1776 there was dissension in the colonies. Large groups of people were communicating anonymously and even with disappearing ink. You see, the British redcoats were a bunch of real pricks. They were running around all dressing in the same color and being prickish and intimating those who refused to wear their color and wanting something better for a growing nation. The redcoat thugs would kick the ass of anyone caught disagreeing with their policy of taxation without representation. All in the name of a prick-like King who fed them a few crumpets and tax free tea subsidized by special King type PILOTs that were made possible from the taxes paid without representation.
In some communities, our great nation has allowed the same King -like prickish behavior.
Taxation without representation is exactly what the British Petroleum support group, THE CAPE CFG advocates. It is OK for certain groups of citizens to pay their taxes for the full year. But it is not ok for them to vote or have a voice unless that voice parrots the policies of BP.
Full time Cape or part time Cape residents-- do not let the CFG take away your freedoms. Do not let the CFG intimidate you. Do not let BP take your home rule. Do not let the CFG or the Democratic Party take back the Cape and give it to BP in their efforts to exploit federal subsidies and take that money back to Britain.
Give us liberty from Bp and the CFG !
The CFG can mock us and call us macaroni, but we will yank their doodle because they are nothing more than a group of local BP dandies.
(Cape Patriotic song, sung to the toon of Yankee Doodle.)
British Petroleum came to town
Riding in a Mercedes;
We'll stick a sparkler up their ass,
And send them off to Hades.
But only if people register to vote, and then vote.
Happy Fourth of July, Pandora
Probably something picked up from attending a Bp Open House
Don't let BP take our home rule?
What is it about this Article process you don't understand? BP and NYS already very effectively removed your home rule. You're a little late I'm afraid, and even though I find CFG tactics repulsive, no local election won by either side is about to bring your home rule back.
We the people of ~ Cape Vincent are now at a point where we are all participants in an important historical time, please read these pages, and know that we can change the course of history, next year Cape Vincent could be celebrating its independence from ACCIONA and BRITISH PETROLEUM .
What about celebrating our independence from the tyranny of Andrew Cuomo and ART.10 ?
Without either we would already be celebrating our freedom from BP and the horrors of industrial wind development, by our own volition. That would be real independence!
Anti wind left with weak candidates.
Let me start out with saying that Urban Hirschey is one hell of a supervisor who is
an incredible leader no matter what. At the last town board meeting a dividing line was established
by M. Oswald, J. Byrne who is not up this year and Brooks Bragdon who is.
I did some asking...Oswald and Byrne were both wrong when they claimed they had not seen the letter Clif
wanted to send because of what happened at the Bp office. Brooks then attacked Urban in support of
the CFG who was there lashing Urban. I also followed up about why I was asked to sign a republican petition with four name. I had to sign for them all. Again, it think it was a Byrne Oswald Bragdon slimy move. I see nothing good here good their recent actions. Score a victory for the CFG. I am not the only republican who now feels that way. Byrne, Oswald and Bragdon have screwed the pooch.
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