
Sunday, August 25, 2013

 BP's Happy Horseshit


  1. This is nothing more than a repackaging of old statements from BP. More pretend public involvement. It took Chandler about one minute to put this together.

  2. Did this go to seasonal citizens only? I live here year round....nothing came in my mail last week!

  3. Amazing....FIRST newsletter EVERY mailed out to residents from BP - the others went to lease holders only!

  4. I received this newsletter, stamped it with my "bullshit" stamp, and returned to sender instructing them to remove me from their mailing list.

  5. At first I thought Pandy was a little over the top calling her post "BP's Happy Horeshit." But, after reading Chandler's little bedtime story I am convinced she was being a little too nice. I call it BP's Happy-Assed Bullshit." I noticed that Chandler dropped the notice he had in the last issue regarding having an application before the siting board in the fall. Must be BP is falling behind. BP should spend more time on trying to move ahead rather than publishing more Happy Horseshit and Bullshit.

  6. 12:37

    Anything of official nature regarding bp siting is on the PSC site for all to see. I much more reliable source that Chandler via Marion Trieste.

  7. When I opened the Trieste Newsletter, a little vomit entered the back of my throat.

  8. Just wondering where did you get so many smart readers. One can only spell yup and another is always running around with vomit in her/his throat.One worrying why everyone got one and he/she did not. It's really scary we have people this intelligent voting in our elections. But it explains a lot in what's happened in this town in the last 3-4 years and why our town is in the toilet.

  9. Wow,the letter is pure BS.

  10. "Wow,the letter is pure BS."

    With the exception of the admission that BP has not completed nor actually submitted and application.

    Which is the opposite of what the CFG-BP bozos are spreading around the town.
