
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

DANC, Cape Vincent town officials upset with BP Wind

CAPE VINCENT — BP Wind Energy and stakeholders of the developer’s proposed Cape Vincent Wind Project — the town government and the Development Authority of the North Country — again are at odds over the definition of a “meaningful dialogue.”
In a recent letter to BP, the attorney for DANC urged the wind developer to provide additional information to the development authority’s engineers — a request made four months ago.
Continue... Watertown Times

1 comment:

  1. All a person has to do to determine that British Petroleum has been less than cooperative with providing the required information to their PSC stakeholders is to go to the New York State Public Service Commission website.

    Google, Matter Master: 12-02056/12-F-0410

    You can make your own comment while you are there.

    As pointed out in the J. Lee article, Chandler might claim that he is responding, but the key words by DANC and other agencies who have objected to the PIP and scoping and have requested more information, are, "meaningful response."

    Also, Chandler claims that, "We cannot comment further on the stipulations process...." However, at a recent town of Cape Vincent Board meeting, during privilege of the floor, a CFG-British Petroleum supporter and lease holder claimed that he has talked to British Petroleum about the matter of the cancelled conference.
