
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Transmission ruling sets off alarms in clean energy industry

A federal judge’s decision this week that New England electric transmission companies should make less money on power line projects has triggered concern among wind and solar generators hoping to see a revitalization and expansion of the country’s aging grid.
Administrative Law Judge Michael Cianci Jr. issued an initial decision that would reduce the return of transmission owners’ investments from 11.14 percent to 9.7 percent in New England states like Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island. The decision now goes before the full Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, where the commissioners can reject the decision entirely, approve it or make changes.


  1. Watch the greedy bastards fight over 1.7 percent return on investment. This is a big deal no doubt to those big time energy/money players. What is the additional cost to grid operators dealing with the fluidity of renewable energy?
