
Saturday, November 9, 2013

US wind turbines kill over 600,000 bats a year (and plenty of birds too)

Wind turbines killed hundreds of thousands of bats in 2012 in the United States, according to an article by Mark Hayes of the University of Colorado. Hayes took the number of dead bats from 21 wind turbine locations and inferred the number of nationwide bat deaths, arriving at the conservative estimate of 600,000 bats killed in 2012. But the real toll, Hayes notes, may be as high as 900,000.   
Bats are killed by collisions with wind turbine blades or from air pressure changes caused by the blades, the latter being the real danger. Similar to the bends in scuba divers, barotrauma causes bats to pop from the inside. Continue...


  1. I don't think Cape Vincent leaseholders particularly care about bat kills.

  2. That's just impossible to predict. What qualifies him into thinking that he is a expert on calculating the number of dead bats killed by turbines?

  3. I want my money! I want my money, dammit!

  4. 7:43,
    His bat kill analysis stands up a lot better than any calculation that a wind farm in Cape Vincent is going to do anything to affect atmospheric carbon dioxide.

  5. Hey 7:45 AM we got one of ours elected. That's one down four to go.
