
Monday, January 27, 2014

Father-son duo’s civic roots planted deep in Cape Vincent

CAPE VINCENT — Son and father Paul F. and Darrel J. Aubertine share a lot in common.
Paul, 31, launched his political career this month by attending his first board meeting as the lone Democratic member of the Cape Vincent Town Council. Darrel, a proud parent seated in the audience during the Jan. 16 meeting with his wife, Margaret S.    Continue...


  1. Hmm? The son ran for office out of concern for divisiveness in the Cape, but at the time of the election filed a complaint in New York State Supreme Court to deny many Cape residents the right to vote.

    How does that help heal the community and remove divisiveness?

    Both dad and son have a problem connecting their hyperbole with reality.

  2. Paul and Darrell should have used this article to apologize to the community for their deplorable behavior.

  3. a big part of the problem is that Darrell,Paul, and their many supporters believe that their"roots planted deep in Cape Vincent" give them rights that supercede other legitimate voters,and residents.

    Paul would be best served by minimizing the comparison's made between him and his father,unless he anticipates a short political career.

  4. They are so worried about the blogs that they had to tell lies all over town about them, file a SLAPP and harass them. Two dumb bunnies for even bringing up the issue in the WDT. The more the dumb bunnies bring it up, the more I come here to read the truth about the industrial wind scam.

  5. That's funny The Aubertine name was not on the lawsuit.

  6. They means the pro wind, 7:21
    They are all in it together. I am 9:04 AM, too and that is my opinion.

  7. Hey, 8:19, what is your game? Don't claim comments are yours, when you didn't make them. If you agree with one - great, but why profess to have authored it?

  8. Every time I think of the vision the Aubertines have for our community a little vomit rises into the back of my throat.

  9. 7:36

    Sorry, I got the time wrong. I was 1:06.
    Take a chill pill. Pop a med. No game. Just an opinion.
