
Friday, February 28, 2014

T. Urling Walker: One Example of the Value of Cape Vincent's Seasonal Residents

After a little time reflecting about the events of yesterday I am wondering if BP's flight out of the Cape may have been pushed along at the governor's office.

If there was some influence brought in at the highest levels of government then maybe we need to reserve a special thank you to a Cape seasonal resident who may have tipped the balance in the end with his personal plea to Governor Cuomo.

Former Watertown Mayor T. Urling Walker sent a letter to Governor Cuomo in early December (Link). Mayor Walker wrote about the potential that the Governor might have to make the final decision.

He indicated that Cape residents were better educated about impacts from wind development than Albany lobbyists. Mayor Walker closed his letter by saying, "The beauty of the area is a mecca to tourists and an important economic asset to the State, please help us preserve our heritage and not destroy it with inappropriate development."

What I found interesting is that Mayor Walker's letter was sent to Governor Cuomo on December 12, 2013, but that Secretary Kathleen Burgess acknowledged receipt of his letter on February 21, 2014. Secretary Burgess no doubt posted Walker's letter as soon as it was forwarded from the Governor's office. This suggest Mayor Walker's letter was held by the Governor for over two months, and it appears to have been given very careful consideration.

Regardless of how BPs ending came about, I like the thought that Mayor Walker's plea to protect our community may have been instrumental in bringing it about. What we should also appreciate is not only the Mayor's letter, but how it was delivered . Look at the letterhead - City of Watertown. Look at the little handwritten note next to mayor - "Former." I like your gutsy style Mayor Walker.

Thank you Mayor Walker for not only stepping forward, but for how you stepped up to the plate. I think you may have hit a home run.

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