
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Not with a bang but a whimper

BP Wind Energy this week ended a protracted effort to establish a commercial wind farm in Cape Vincent with the announcement that it is simply dropping the project and walking away.

For a number of property owners who had lease agreements with the company, this no doubt comes as bad news. Hopes of lease payments of some substance over at least 20 years have dried up, disappeared on the wind that is now not likely to produce electricity on any grand scale.  Continue...


  1. Perry White, Gary King and others who said BP left for only financial reasons therefore have no reason for blaming anti-wind advocates for their lost opportunity - none!

  2. So Gary King and others might want to back before they take any moves to go after my vote.

  3. Good God, Perry White and Watertown Daily Times you keep digging your hole deeper.
    Perry White never showed up at any of the Cape Town meetings regarding wind, none of the coalition meetings in the three counties, etc, etc,. If he had, he would have been able to meet hundreds of people who do not live on the water who had concerns and were working to keep bp out of town. He would have met the business people along the lake and the river who objected. He would have met the families living in the country who would lose all their investments in their homes.

    Blogger White and the paper he works for missed the guts of the Hammond, Lyme, and Cape story and would be wise NOT to pretend that they know the the heart of the matter.
