
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cape Vincent’s Abusive, Degenerate Stalker

Since I left Cape Vincent a small-minded, anonymous loser has been harassing me with scurrilous,personal attacks in the form of comments on my blog posts. 

The comments have been filthy,abusive and degenerative to me,as well as women in general. 

I have consulted a forensic psychologist who indicated that the commenter is an abusive, degenerate stalker displaying delusional thought patterns and behaviors.

Unable to develop normal personal relationships through conventional and socially acceptable means, he has retreated to a pattern of attacks that are threatening and abusive. 

Also,an examination of the writing style,indicates the stalker is poorly educated, reads little if anything (aside from my blog posts) and writes on a 5th grade level.

And one final point,through the wonders of modern, forensic technology, – I know who he is!


  1. Pandora, you are due a big thank you, not a bunch of crap from a weirdo. You should consider filing harassment charges. Better yet, expose the S.O.B.

  2. He's obviously jealous.

  3. Don't play around with stalking and harassing. It is a crime. Call the cops Mickey!

  4. You might consider an "order of protection" given what we know in this country about unstable people!

  5. Hopefully, this will take care of it and you can move on and enjoy your life. Thanks for all you have done to save Cape Vincent.

  6. "Always remember that others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.”
    - Richard Nixon

  7. Cape Vincent is saved, you are gone it certainly is saved.

  8. I don't believe you who he is, because if you did you would have done something about him?
