To be candid, I have to agree with a previous commentor, that the control of development, and land use concerns, should preferably be dealt with at the local level. The New York State Home Rule Law is the basis for Comprehensive Planning and Zoning, and as such, gives municipalities the authority to preserve and protect the physical and scenic nature of their region. However,as we all know, our State government abrogated that right with the passage of The New York Power Act which established the Article X Provision for siting of energy projects. Our local laws have no ultimate authority when it comes to protecting our scenic quality from this particular threat. Since towns and counties across the State made no visible or audible protest over this theft of our right to self -govern we are stuck with negotiating the quality of life and environment with a bureaucratic advisory board who represents an overreaching state government intent on forwarding its energy policies. It seems to me a SASS designation could prove to be a valuable, effective tool to make those negotiations, or with any future potential developments that posed a similar threat to the scenic value of the region.
To say this is anti-progress or anti-development for the 1000 Islands area is missing the point. The scenic nature of this region is an integral factor in the economy, and general quality of life enjoyed by those who live , work, recreate, and do business here. If acquiring a SASS can protect and preserve those qualities, while at the same time serve as a possible catalyst for compatible development,- it has value. The intent and purpose of such a designation is not to micro-manage local zoning or planning as some fear, but to set some parammaters that define the scenic value from the State's perspective.
I prefer that we control our own destiny, by implementing our own guidelines for development that take into account preserving the precious resources we are blessed with. It has been continually, and unfortunately shown that greed and self-interest often overrule those principles, not only at the local level, but also , state and federal.
A SASS designation will not guarantee absolute protection of our scenic resources, much as the Endangered Species Act cannot protect our wildlife (eagles) when self-serving politics trump wise governance. Hell, even though a National Scenic Highway (the designation of which affords considerable protection of visual resources) runs through the heart of Cape Vincent, the new zoning law does not take advantage of it. Cynical though I may be, I still feel we would be better for having it (SASS)on the books.
In spite of my own protestations,local governments willingly rescinded their ability to determine their own fate by refusing to protest the implementation of ART.X . In the face of that, it certainly seems logical that we should seek to obtain a SASS designation.